Arab MK Threatens Third Intifada Has Already Begun “Because of Metal Detectors”

It’s just unbelievable that the Israeli government puts Arabs connected to terrorism and mass-murdering terror groups into the government.

In an article by the Jerusalem Post, MK Ahmad Tibi claims that a few metal detectors on the Temple Mount after a terror attack that killed two police officers is the “real” reason for Arab Muslim terror. Yeah, right.

“The government’s brutal actions at the Al-aksa Mosque, changing the status quo by placing metal detectors, will necessarily lead to a third Intifada, that already began today,” Joint List Member of Parliament Taleb Abu Arar, said Friday afternoon. The lawmaker warned of a major Palestinian uprising and accused the police of killing three Palestinians in clashes following weekly prayers in Jerusalem.

“Those who initiated the violence and killed three Palestinians were the Israeli police,” he said.

It’s just more of the same garbage. The Arabs claim that Jews are responsible for being murdered by them because the Jews try to protect their own lives.

They should all be thrown out! Then, finally, there would be real peace in Israel.

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