One comment

  • Some vaccines have heavy metals like mercury, lead and zinc and other dangerous permanent hazards in them, usually for the yearly cold flu. Many of the vaccines that are good against major diseases like rabies, polio, etc were made by real doctors, not corporate-owned population control scientists.

    Over-vaccination is also a problem. You need the main ones, hepatitis A+B, polio, and rabies, and it’s not a bad idea to get an established one for other diseases that might be present in your area, but giving dozens of different vaccines for tropical diseases to a kid is proven to permanently weaken their immune system, and there are statistical links to different physical and mental diseases due to the prevalence of the over-vaccinated getting them.

    Also, the internet is the future and is growing, but traditional media gives an added degree of credibility to the show.

    Great show, I was trying to imagine how Rav. Kahane’s grandson could make that speech to the terrorist and kapo judges while he’s being held without charge, and from someone living in a free country where you can’t do that, all I can think about is exploding in violence and trying to take as many as I can down before they get me. An even stronger emotion I get is to leftists praising this. They can go out into protests and demand black rapists be freed, but actually innocent people that no one accused of anything but thought-crime, they won’t protest, they’ll support. How do you get vengeance for something like that? Even if non-traitors ran Israel, it’s the the most basic of morality to say that people have to be arrested for a reason.

    I think we have to start giving out tracts like Xtians. Most Jews are like most Americans in many aspects, and would fight if they knew to what extent they’re being attacked, and who to fight against and for. Left wing ideologies are always absurd nonsense, but the reason it wins against truth is the leftists know the need for massive constant brainwashing, because no one would figure out that stabbings teach us that pisslam should be respected, or that homosexuals are brave heroes when they mutilate themselves at taxpayer expense without being convinced of it all the time. Since Rav Kahane’s real messages that JTF brings are beneficial to society, and in many cases would save lives, like to girls seeking to marry Arabs, so are an obligation to teach, we should be trying at least twice as hard to spread it, and tens of billions or more are being spent yearly by the leftist media of the world.

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