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[1] The REAL STORY behind Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas war to destroy Israel (JTF video)

[2] Look at what Attorney General Kamala Harris and the Democrats did to Los Angeles

[3] Why there can NEVER be peace between Jews and Muslims (JTF video)

[4] JTF interview with Dov Hikind on election, anti-Semitism (JTF.ORG video)

[5] The REAL TRUTH behind Israel blowing up thousands of Hezbollah pagers (video)

[6] Jewish voters may swing the election to Trump (Chaim Ben Pesach interview)

[7] Kamala's strategy to destroy Israel through sanctions (JTF.ORG video)

[8] Two people who were MURDERED because of DA Kamala Harris (JTF.ORG video)

[9] Debate between an Arab who calls for Israel's destruction and Chaim Ben Pesach


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