Torah and Jewish Idea


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[1] Why Do Christians Believe in the Trinity? -Rabbi Tovia Singer

[2] The importance of fear in religion

[3] Christianity Changed Forever When Evangalists Seized the Church! -Rabbi Tovia

[4] Did the Church Replace the Jews? -Rabbi Tovia Singer

[5] Angry Christian Woman Slams Rabbi Tovia Singer for 'Teaching Garbage'!

[6] Why Does the Third Temple Worry Christians? –Rabbi Tovia Singer

[7] Why Did Paul Detest the Law of Moses? –Rabbi Tovia Singer

[8] The Mother of the Messiah Cannot be a Virgin! -Rabbi Tovia Singer

[9] הרב טוביה סינגר מפציץ: מה יקרה לכותל המערבי באחרית הימים -Rabbi Tovia Singer


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