pardon my french but that's a load of crap,
I used to work in Hackensack, NJ so I know first hand what it's like to work with blacks.
most of them are lazy, loud, and violent,
when I started working in that area I was the only jew there,
the place was packed with blacks, and ex-cons (what was I thinking

my boss was a black man who worked there for years,
when I started on the 1st day there, he said something like:
"I'm not gonna cut you no slack, if you work hard youll learn this work in 2 months"
after a few days I was the one teaching him the job,
in 3 months time, I've surpassed him in every possible way,
and soon after that, I became
his boss.
when the CEO called me in this one time,
he told me in confidence - "these guys are a nightmare"
"I'm forced by law to hire useless morans because of their color! thank G-d you showd up,
these people are slowly bankrupting my business..."
Jews were always a major contribution to any functional society,
hating blacks is hating black "culture"
hating jews is hating jews.
so the people who hate blacks hate them for
who they are
as oppose to people who hate jews for
what they are.