Actually, now that i think about it, it depends on how you interpret this seemingly simple question:
If one hates blacks simply because of superficial racial reasons...then that person will most likely hate anyone that isn't themselves.
If one hates blacks in the sense that they hate the culture that blacks follow, then it can go either way.
People who hate blacks for cultural reasons would also hate Jews for the same Zionist cultural reasons. They would claim that they don't hate Jews, only Zionist Jews.
I don't agree wtih this part. Here are likely scenarios:
Someone that hates blacks due to genetics is simply a racist...and most likely hates Jews. Eg. White supremecists
Somone that hates blacks due to their culture and nothing more...might hate Jews because they are xenophobic.
However, there are those who rightfully hate evil culture and it just happens to be that a lot of black people follow this evil culture. This is the one exception where if someone hates evil culture and truely realize its evil will understand what righteous culture is, for example, Torah Judaism (there are others as well).
Therefore if one hates evil cultures then they will love righteous cultures. If that evil culture eminates from Green people, then most likely, that person will feel that green people are guilty until proven innocent while in the opposite if the blue people are practicing righteousness, then they are innocent until proven guilty...
Btw...this practice of guilty until proven innocent with evil people and innocent until proven guilty for the righteous is written in the tanach and talmud. (But ask Tzvi were to find it because I dont' remember
The above stated logic is putting the cart before the horse. Innocent until proven guilty for righteous people but guilty until proven innocent for evil people? The problem with that is that someone is only evil if they are guilty. But guilt must be proven first.
Here's the deal...
I will personalize this to an individual person...
YOu watch South Park so you'll get what i'm saying:
Eric Cartmen we all know is pure you know he can't be trusted... And when he starts doign somethign nice, the Jewish way of perceiving those nice actions is with suspision...Yes, in Judaism you are supposed to do that! Eric Cartmen, in other words, is guilty until proven innocent.
So what about cultural groups and nations? I mean everyone has a differing opinion of black americans and germans etc etc etc...BUt let's just say, for arguement's sake that the majority of blacks in America are involved in something that is evil...robbery, rape, laziness, etc etc...Well, if I"m going to drive my car and I see a black person coming near it, I'm making sure my door is locked! ON the other hand, if I saw a Hassidic Jew with a beard come near it, I'm not thinking about checking my car door being locked...Why? Because Hassidic Jews are generally not into the crimes that we see a lot of blacks get into..
So my point is this: IF there is a nation, religion, culture, community that has been generaly well known to be evil and corrupt, then it is ok to look at an individual in that community as guilty until they prove themselves otherwise not to be...and the opposite if it were vice versa.