General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello from Belgium
Hello dear friends, Shalom!
i'm a 28years old, Belgian half south vietnamese
my first name is david.
So i'm anti-communist (anti left wing)
i'm a liberal joung worker free lance.
i'm pro democracy (but not democrat)
i'm a friend of Israel and Jews community,
i'm willing to opose every bad ideology
so, i dislike both Nazism, Communism, Islamism. (Black, Red, Green)
the 3 of them are evil.
Few month ago, I created a blog talking about the BLUE valors, to defend Nicolas Sarkozy , liberalism, the right to earn a livin, to progress in your life by working in an economicaly strong country.
the blogname was: unfortunately it as been turned off since i took the defense of
MADAME WAFA SULTAN psychologist theologist anti islamist see:
so, now i have few time free, so i will create another one more protected i hope, i ll keep you in touch.
May God bless America, Israel, And the all people good hearthed-willing in the World!
in french: "- Que Dieu benisse l'Amérique, Israel, et les peuples du monde entier qui soient de bonne volonté et de coeur."
Welcome David
Wayne Jude:
Shalom !!!!
Welcome aboard.
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