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Fox ad

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--- Quote from: cjd on October 26, 2006, 08:16:05 PM ---Fox did a TV spot in favor of infant stem cell research. He supposedly went off or took to much of his meds to make the full affects of his parkensons visible. When I saw the add it looked to dramatic to be real. In all fairness to Fox I have been told today by someone  who would know  people in his condition look the way he did.
--- End quote ---

But haven't they already proven that this whole thing was a fraud??

Stem Cell Fraud Worries U.S. Scientists

Spectacular fraud shakes stem cell field

Scientific fraud of the century?

Time/CNN: Independent Panel Confirms Stem Cell Fraud,8599,1147490,00.html

So what are they talking about?

Yes Exactly!! They say that the infant stem cell therapy is very dangerous and has had extremely bad results. The adult stem cell research has more promise and is legal. Fox is a shill for the liberal left. He may have been showing his true condition but his motovation was political and not out of any medical need for a cure.


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