When Moshiach comes the world will be restored to the level it was before Adam Harishon sinned.
Just as the Torah says "they walked in the Garden and they were not ashamed of their nakedness", will we too walk around starkers in the Messianic Age?
If not, why not?
Will the avodah in the Third Temple be carried out by naked Cohanim?
This is a great question. I asked my Rabbi your question and in short this is what he said:
Not only will we reach the level from before the sin of the Eitz Hadaas, we will reach even higher.
We will still wear clothes, however, as we know that the laws of the Torah in effect now will not change.
But the purpose of our clothes then will be very different from the reason they wore clothes then. Then they wore it because they became self-conscious-which is the idea of daas (klipas nogah). In Messianic times however we will wear clothes, not to cover ourselves up, but to express our essence, our true selves, through our clothes.
This is hinted to in the gemarah as it says that in Rabbi Meir's Torah it says that Adam and Eve wore Katnos Ohr (with an aleph, not with an ayin) i.e. they wore "light". "Light" refers to how things become revealed, which is the idea of using clothes to reveal yourself, not conceal yourself. Rabbi Meir was already on the level of Moshiach times which is why in his Torah scroll it was written that way.
This may be a bit cryptic to some but this is the best I can do right now with this messed up keyboard.