Re: "... a long time ago I lost all my respect for Dershowitz..."
Well, the chickens certainly have come home to roost in Allan Dershowitz's house!
For years he publicly and privately castigated and demonized Rabbi Kahane and any semblance of Israeli nationalism as being "fascist"; insisting that every maniacal Muslim terrorist had the "right" to a "fair trial" and insisting that every Arab in Israel should be trusted and considered to be a "good person" until proven otherwise.
He was all so certain that Rabin & the murderer Arafat would make a perfect Middle East Peace, and he couldn't wait for Israel to give up as much land as it took to get a signed piece of toilet paper from the PLO.
Now, in 2007, Dershowitz himself is under fire from all of his former "liberal" allies, who denounce him as a "fascist", "Neo-Con", "Likudnik", and, worst insult of all..."A ZIONIST!"
His "answer" has been to author more books whining about "Israel Has The RIGHT to exist", which attempt to mollify those whom Rabbi Kahane warned him would one day betray him and the Jews and call for our demise.
I sometimes ask myself if that little shrimp has ever once tossed and turned in bed at night, trying to stave off the haunting thought that "Kahane was Right!"