General Category > Introduce Yourself


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--- Quote from: karlmarx20 on October 23, 2007, 07:11:40 PM ---I have the truth to give to this site just the truth whether or not you except it is up to you

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The "truth" about what? 

Muslims and Islam and other things of course O0

Well good then...  let the games begin.  There are many learned people here on Islam, Islamic/Middle Eastern History and Islamic culture...   ;)


--- Quote from: karlmarx21 on October 23, 2007, 07:45:32 PM ---schmuck SUCKING KIKE GO KILL YOURESELF HOW DO YOU FIT 6 MILLION JEWS IN A CAR 2 IN THE FROUNT 3 IN THE BACK AND THE REST IN THE ASH TRAY  :::D :::D :::D :::D

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That's funny considering your admiring of a Jew like Mr. Marx....  You [censored] ignoramus...


--- Quote from: karlmarx21 on October 23, 2007, 07:44:28 PM ---censored.

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   karlmarx21. I received numerous complaints about your posts. If you want to post something intelligent that we disagree with but has content which can be discussed or debated, you are welcome to. The posts I removed from you were all identical, had nothing to do with the threads they were posted in and were just plain senseless. I am willing to tolerate free speech but will remove spam and obscenities.


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