General Category > Introduce Yourself


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Joe Schmo:
We're not all Jews here.


--- Quote from: karlmarx on October 21, 2007, 04:36:53 PM ---PS i heard you are raciest hear calling Muslims 'Camel f******'

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I personally don't say things like that, but I would like to point out that there is nothing racist about comments like that, as islam is not a race.

Muck DeFuslims:
Hello Karl Marx.

Before I welcome you, I'd like to know if you're a communist slimebag.

Also ftf is being truthful; he doesn't call mooozies camel ******.

Neither do I.

I try to use more creative descriptors for the satanic mooozie savages.

I do agree Racism is better than censorship but racism is still bad


--- Quote from: karlmarx on October 22, 2007, 05:22:55 PM ---I do agree Racism is better than censorship but racism is still bad

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I thought that you'd like Racism with a name like Karl Marx and all those revolting Communists considering it was the ilk in their likeness that used the blacks like pawns to forward their revolting cause... 

You know, like Communists, I doubt you are open minded enough to read things that are not of the extreme Left but I think you might enjoy: "Exposing the Real Che Quevara" by Humberto Fantova or "The Naked Communist" by Skousen.   ;)


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