Author Topic: Swastikas  (Read 1995 times)

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« on: October 21, 2007, 07:58:37 PM »
Swastikas are so stupid. For now on, let's just call them schvartzacas. After all, it sounds alike.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Swastikas
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 09:40:08 PM »
Swastikas are originally a holy symbol for many ancient religions. Today it is used in India. The Nazis perhaps kidnapped them for this two reasons:
1- Nazis wanted to let only Aryans alive and India is an Indo Aryan country.
2-The shape of the Swastica and the Maguen David (perhaps not with Jewish meaning) were found together in nearly all pre-historian painting in caves. At that time, it was believed that the only nation in the world who had never used the Swastika were the Jews. So Nazis used the Swastika to mean they rejected Jews.
Today it would be immoral to use it in certain situations, b/c it may hurt the victims of Nazism. But I daren't desectate it either.
By the way, why do you allow the word Schwartza in the forum and forbid Ni-gger? In case I wanted to insult Blacks or any other Nation (I'd never do), I would prefer to insult in English, and not in Yiddish, so as not to involve Judaism in the insult.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Swastikas
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 09:43:51 PM »
My understanding of the history of the swastika is that it was originated by the Indians as a sign of peace. Then the Nazis hijacked it and tilted it on a slant to give it the opposite meaning. But a swastika in a straight upright position is not a Nazi symbol, only the diagonal one.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Swastikas
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2007, 12:05:14 AM »
Aryan was originally a term referring to languages, and not to Peoples. Now everyone prefer to say Indoeuropean. (to avoid using the same word as the Nazis).
Some anthroplogists had suggested that, since Aryan languages are similar and related, they must have a common origen, and so there might have been an Aryan nation somewhere in the far past.
According to this, the people who speak an Indoeropean language might have Aryan ancestors. Nobody has proved Aryans ever existed.
Nazis considered Germans to be Aryan, since German language is, but remember that Nazis said that not all Aryans were perfect, but only the Nordics, and Germans are not Nordic!!! They were based on evolution theory, and so no wonder that they would have thought to erradicate Germans as well, after a time. It is said that Hitler, ysh"w, said that ALL nations would disappear in future and Nazism would lead to a world controlled by a perfected race from the best Aryans among different countries.

Offline Vito

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Re: Swastikas
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2007, 12:18:28 AM »
Aryan was originally a term referring to languages, and not to Peoples. Now everyone prefer to say Indoeuropean. (to avoid using the same word as the Nazis).
Some anthroplogists had suggested that, since Aryan languages are similar and related, they must have a common origen, and so there might have been an Aryan nation somewhere in the far past.
According to this, the people who speak an Indoeropean language might have Aryan ancestors. Nobody has proved Aryans ever existed.
Nazis considered Germans to be Aryan, since German language is, but remember that Nazis said that not all Aryans were perfect, but only the Nordics, and Germans are not Nordic!!! They were based on evolution theory, and so no wonder that they would have thought to erradicate Germans as well, after a time. It is said that Hitler, ysh"w, said that ALL nations would disappear in future and Nazism would lead to a world controlled by a perfected race from the best Aryans among different countries.

Aryan was originally a person of Persian lineage and Old Persian, no?

Germans are geographically not Nordic, but they are descendants of the Scandinavians.. that's probably why they consider themselves "Nordic" people.
Hitler also classified the British as Nordics, but the only people in the British Isles with traces of Nordic blood are the Irish.