Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Can a Promiscuous Woman be Reformed?

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--- Quote from: Christianwhitenation.name on October 24, 2007, 02:06:17 AM ---I hate spiders!I hate snakes.And did I mention I hate islum? :)

--- End quote ---

oh boy you are going to hate being deployed

Wayne Jude:
Not looking forward to it. ;D

Once a women experiences what its like to be promiscuous, can she truly change her state of mind?
Why would she have been so in the first place if she had not thought it was ok?

Somen women change, some don't.

New Yorker:

I've decided to help all these innocent sweet Jewish boys that are being tempted by those horrible promiscuous women, whenever you are being bothered by a promiscuous girl that is tempting you into sin, give her my contact information, send her my way, and I will keep her busy so she won't bother you anymore.  :::D

What's that old saying....  "Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.."  Seems to apply here no?


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