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Hello, from the United Kingdom

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G'day mate!
I have always wondered why is Ireland such a pro-arab, anti-Israel country? Whilst the Irish have been persecuted for centuries in brutal ways, I have never understood why the Irish have such an obsession with the arabs against a fellow persecuted nation, the Jews?

Thanks. Welcome Aboard!


I am from the North of Ireland, im basically english now i know some guy's on here prolly hate the british but basically muslims threaten the extistence of my race and my religion and I must stand up and confront my enemy rather then cower like the tonnes of non muslims traitors.

I started as a racist I could not stand 3rd world people at all coming to my country committing crimes and abusing the system then I met a guy from south africa who lives and the pair of us were known openly as racists. It was not the colour of their skin it was the fact that we didnt think it was right for any immigrant (sure he is a south african white) to come to another country and instead of seek a better life and be of help in society to abuse it and its people. But my racism stopped when I found black and asian friends who were actually doing well in school/college not abusing the system however my hate shifted to Islam all my life I have seen the excrement on TV in the papers all the left wing crap that has been dumbed down and made to look as non dangerous as they can where muslims killing all soughts of non muslims and even other muslims purely because of their fake religion.

I hope the dude on the jtf youtube videos is let back into israel and takes the position as top man, I hope that all non muslims can remove this threat from our world so we can actually concentrate on global warming and all other things that we really shouldnt be soughting out now as at the moment what is the point in soughting global warming when islam will have us all dead before it strikes if we do not fight back and remove them.

I just hope that God will forgive me for choosing to stick up for the defence of western society and the removal of islam

So ure a Northern Irish Protestant?
I personally don't hate the British at all except for the BBC and other left wing, socialist scum like George Galloway and his retarded "Respect" party, Ken Livingstone and the rest of those animals. I fear that Britain is only a decade away from declaring itself a muslim country.


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