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How Did Light Come Before The Creation Of Sun And Moon?

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Christian Zionist:
Genesis 1:3

Then G-d said, "Let there be light and there was light"

But on the 4th day only G-d created Sun and Moon (Genesis 1:16-19) after creating light.

For a sincere worshipper of the G-d of the Bible this should not be a question at all because he/she believes that G-d is Almighty and He has the power to create light even before creating the Sun and the Moon!

However Gensis 1:2 gives the answer:  "And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of G-d (Ruah HaKodesh) was moving over the surface of the waters."

Why would the Spirit of G-d move over the waters without a purpose?  When the Spirit of G-d (Ruah HaKodesh) was "moving" heat energy was produced, then sound energy was produced and finally light energy was produced - then G-d said let there be light and there was light!.

There is an AMAZING free audio download about this very topic on Aish's web site. I recommend listening to it... it's fascinating. Lots of other good tracks there too!
Scientific Data Supporting Creation
by Gans, Mr. Harold

Hear a clear scientific explanation of the Torah's account of creation. Mr. Gans compares the current scientific theories with what Torah scholars have been saying all along. Hear a 'model of creation' that sounds as reasonable as any theory you have heard from the scientific community.

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
im not going to go deeper, but just one quick thing b4 i retire for the night, - the sun is just one star, look at the sky ( if your lucky enough and dont live in a city that blocks the natural beauty of the universes), every star you see and dont see, but that does exist, it another sun.  Woow look and ponder the greatness that G-d created soo we can see and praise HIM.

According to modern physicists, all matter is composed of light.


"Let There Be Light" makes perfect sense as prerequisite for the Creation of the celestial bodies.


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on October 30, 2006, 12:34:50 AM ---According to modern physicists, all matter is composed of light.


"Let There Be Light" makes perfect sense as prerequisite for the Creation of the celestial bodies.

--- End quote ---
Exactly.  Light was created at the moment of the big bang when matter was formed.  Our sun was created after many galaxcies and other stars closer to the center of the universe were formed.  J. Shabbat, what the medrish really means is that when G-d initiated creation (the big bang), everything that happened afterwards was planned to occur from that one action to the finest detail.  He didn't physically create everything first and then put them together.  But by  a single action, everything that was planned to be created was set into place at the first moments of creation. 

An interesting point is that in my opinion all of creation that G-d created is based on G-d creating the concept of randomness and uncertainty because without this law the world would not exist and much of physics and chemistry is based on this concept.   So G-d needs to constantly will this law into existance or the world would not exist. 


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