Since the beggining of the world, despite the greatest of sins comittted by men, there has always been an Alliance between Hashem and Humanity.
Fisrt of all, it was the Alliance with Adam. Even when he sinned, he fell into temptation, but he never broke it completely. So he was punished , but forgiven. Death came to the world, but there still remained a hope. Adam and his descendants would live for about 1000 years, and then Heaven awaited them, except for the wicked who refused to do Teshuvah.
When the generation of Noah sinned, they were lost, but Humanity survived. Since Noah and the Mabul, the Alliance was renewed. Gentiles (there were still no Jews) could save their souls through the The Seven Mitzvot and some Goyshe Korbanot.
But since the Torah was given, Goyim and the world cannot be saved by themselves..
It is still true that doing the Seven Mitzvot can save whoever does them, but they are not enough since Matan Torah. Now we need the mediation of the People of Israel and the Jewish Korbanot. That's why seventy sacrifices were brought in Sukkot. Jews are the Priests for us, we cannot be saved by ourselves!!!
Israel sinned several times, even to the point of deserving Exile, and the Temple was destroyed. However it was only a punishment, not the end of the Covenant. Jews, even when they fell, never decided to retract the Alliance, and so replaced the Korbanot with prayers, until the Temple is rebuilt. After all, it is said " A jew, even if he sins , is still a Jew".
Jewish prayers are valid and considered Korbanot, as far as they keep their hope for the Third Temple. Most Jewish prayers clearly state that Jews are UNABLE to bring the Korbanot temporarily, and so they pray instead.
But what if Jews voluntarily give away Har Habait? Can they still hope that prayers replace the Korbanot. I don't think so!!! How can Jews still say "because of our sins the Temple has been destroyed"? They would have to say "Because of our wish to please the pagans, we resign our Temple forever"
It would be a sin never committed in the History of Humanity. For it would not mean to break the law, but to retract the Alliance!!!!
So the world would have no priest, no prayers to save Humanity, no hope, no salvation. Won't it mean that the world would come to nothing?
If Har Habayt is given away, then Israel and Humanity have no reason to exist.
Please think about it. Don't lose your time in saving a certain country, whether it is America, or even Israel. Save the world first!!! Save Har Habayt. Don't let the eternal Alliance be broken forever.
It is not only a Jewish issue. The Jews are the priests for you, even if you are a Goy.
Perhaps, you Goyshe brother, think is not right to become involved in Jewish issues, since you are not a Jew. But.... are you a phisician? Are you a policeman? Perhaps not! And how would you react if the majority of physicians decided to neglet their jobs... if the police chief decided to close the police station forever? Surely you would protest!!! And why? Simply because you care about your health and security!!!! And don't you care about your soul?