Neo nazis are clowns; I'm more woried about comies and nazi muslims. They have the medias, academias and all that power stuff, but in the end all this groups are pupets for invisible iluminati goverments. We shoud be proud that were're important enough for creating anti JTF. We're starting to be seen and evaluated as threat; first Haaretz then those nazi retards. Any german that is a nazi in this day and age should be immediatley killed along with anyone related to him.
I read websites stating Neo-Nazi-extremists strange enough are less dangerous to Jews than some mainstream,
but nonetheless virulent anti-zionists from the left-wing, that are
day in day out publicized by the mass-media. They are the ones that make the most of the anti-Jewish hate speech now, in the name of "anti-racism".
as they continuously try to undermine to right of Israel to exist and defend itself from the Arabs.
These people are not only anti-semites, they also hate themselves
by defending Islam is a "native European Religion"

These people are turning Europe into the USA&Israel-hating mob it has become.
Excuse me if I'm wrong.
The anti-Usa-attitude of the average "intellectual" in Europe is frightening.
If "White"-Power-Muslims-lovers would use their G-d given brains, , they would starting listening to real European music , instead of imitating music of africans, instead of some of their Black-Skinhead-subculture-degenerate music. Of which i can't remember the name.... I hate 80% of pop-music anyway.
the music Mozart composed, aged 15, was far superior to that.
(BTW : aren't the first skinheads blacks? imitated by whites during the reaggae-punk symbiosis in the 70 or something??)
If you are reading this and you're a neo-Nazi, and you do want to save Europe from the mass-immigration, think about this:
your beautiful girlfriends will be raped and murdered by muslimthugs on the street that are ordered by imams and mullahs to
eliminate all female non-veiled-kuffar-whores by allah and his satan-son mohammed.
If you keep supporting p-a-l-e-s-t-i-n-e and help Islam take power, (yeah to kill all jews ),
can happen in 25-50 years, you're among the first to go into their dead-camps!! Except if you accept allah.
Is that what you want to help establish?
Is the hate towards the Jews, so big that you want the western civilization to die , to hand over our territories ?
NO! that is what the communists who control you want you to do.
REAL NATIONALISM IS PRO-ISRAEL. the enemy of your "enemy" is not your friend... It is satan.
mohammed is evil. koran is evil. islam is evil from top to bottom, and creates nations that are full of hate.
look at iran: they put virgin 15 years old girls to dead because they are victims of rape! And let the guardians have a good rape-party before they hang her.
Is that respect for the woman?
So forget about supporting Ahmadinejad&Chavez . and start watching JTF on youtube, read the website which you will find most interesting.
And then tell what's wrong about zionists, and the Jewish people, the real nationalists who support them ...
Any german that is a nazi in this day and age should be immediatley killed along with anyone related to him.
That is exactly the kind of quote in order to have them making their point "there is a conspiracy of blablablablblabla".
But I understand your point of view.
And if German nazi's would like to know some detail about WWI-history ,
they should maybe check who
Fritz Haber was, and compare what he did for the German army,
with what "korporal" Hitler did.
DAJKBIAJTF, you are helping us to loose the III world war !!! Can't you just try to be on the wining side for change!?
You cannot be right, you're totally under the control of the muslim-loving degenerate left. Even more than the communists.