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Hello From Belgium

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Wayne Jude:
Vlaams Belang rocks.[Flemish Interest!] thumbsup Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley thum


--- Quote from: Ambiorix on October 30, 2007, 11:50:50 PM ---So your brother was concerned about what he saw there?

--- End quote ---
Yeah, He grew up in America... he is 20 yrs old and never visited Europe before, he was shocked that Europe was allowing it's self to be invaded and taken over by Muslims. Europe apparently has not really experienced a '9/11' incident of its own.
The people that claim Islam is a Benign and Peaceful Religion are Really Dumb or Really Stupid or Both!

The point is a lot of people here are anti-USA. OK there might be some reasons for it: the "Americanization" of Europe, is associated with materialism, individualism, bad taste, imperialism, pop-culture. 9-11 is considered an "inside job.", in order to be able to attack Irak. or "Bin Laden was working for the CIA".

--- Quote ---Europe apparently has not really experienced a '9/11' incident of its own.
--- End quote ---
Well I think it is just a matter of time. The media would try to cover it up anyway.
They would put an "moderate" muslim on t.v. condemning the attacks, of course stating that only 1% of the Muslims are radical,....

The Mediterranean culture, especially food(olive oil, garlic,..) is also quite similar to south-European tradition.
Also a lot of the immigrants are in fact 2nd or 3d generation. The first generation were people working in iron-factories or cole-mines.
Their offspring are worse than other "new" muslim immigrants, because they have no respect for authority, they basically enjoy the fact that they , in group, can provoke white people at will, any reaction is rebuffed with: "racist".  and the Whites are paralyzed, not knowing these scum are the racists themselves.

A muslim fresh from the arab nations somehow is more disciplined. they even hate those 3d generation youth.
Don't forget normal Arabs hate Turks , North-Africans, hate Persians, hate Blacks, and last but not least : Jews. They like Europeans who are "anti-zionist". Countless conversations I had with them. It varies from person to person. Muslims are more aware of the international political developments in my opinion, than a lot of Westerners, but a political discussion that criticize their faith, is impossible.
And they are also more racially aware,than Westerners seeing no point in making totally racist remarks.

Once these immigrants find out, they have no good status here, low income etc, ... they become jealous and start blaming us for "racism", happily supported by P.C. (scum)people. Now in Belgium, unemployed immigrants (only them) will get personal visits of social workers, offering them jobs. I have to go the office, a Muslim get a visit. you see the reverse racism...

anyway, I think we are heading for a large-scale ethnical conflict, like in Yugoslavia, the Balkans, but now in the heart of Europe.
Unless we mass-expel them.

Welcome! Great introduction post, agree 100%!



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