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Hello From Belgium

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Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: Ambiorix on October 30, 2007, 07:41:58 PM ---I'm living in the Northern part of the country, so I am Flemish.
--- End quote ---

What do you think of Vlaams Belang?

I vote for them.

Wayne Jude:
Vlaams Belang rocks.[Flemish Interest!] O0

Welcome to the Forum!
My brother was in Belgium last month, he could not believe the amount of Muslim Nazi Pigs walking around...  >:(

Well I am honoured you feel that way about Flemish Interest.
But the Flemish Interest has about 20 % of the votes, and are kept away from power by a "Cordon Sanitaire" which is an agreement made by the green party and all other parties, not to make any coalitions with Vlaams Belang. As a result of this they are now a big party, without power, which is sad. At least in Denmark the Folkeparti, has achieved governemental influence with 14% of the votes.
BNP in Britain has less voters , but I think they are a very good party as well.
I heared SVP in Switzerland gained votes, which is good. They will have power to stay out of the EU, and to close borders.
All European, Israeli, American Right-wing is needed to work together to halt Islamisation.


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