Author Topic: What if the Israeli attack on Iran fails?  (Read 5551 times)

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Offline The Shadow

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Re: What if the Israeli attack on Iran fails?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2007, 08:27:57 PM »
I know what Israel should do if the first attack fails.  Fly over Iran and shove Al Sharpton out the bomb hole in the  F16 Fighter plane.  Dropping Al from that altitude, combined with his great weight,  should flatten the Busheer nuclear power plant without a problem.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What if the Israeli attack on Iran fails?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2007, 08:36:30 PM »
Iran would retalitate with missiles into Tel-Aviv. Hizbollocks & Syria attack Israel thinking its a good opportunity to regain the Golan Heights & the Shebba Farms. Hamastan attacks from Gaza launching its usual barrage of fire crackers.

Israel would quickly bomb Iran into submission, destroying the nuclear sites and crippling the Iranian infrastructure. While Hizbollocks & Syria are met by a strong IDF infantry. Eventhough they inflict considerable damage on the IDF their attack proves to be unsuccesful. 

Once Iran is knocked out the IDF will push back the Syrian/Hizbollocks alliance. Syria, afraid of a fate similar to Lebanon surrenders. Israel then dives deep into Lebanon and crushes Hizbollocks once and for all. Israel re-occupies & cleanses Southern Lebannon from all its Muslim filth. At the same time it makes a push into Gaza and crushes Hamas. 

Israel - eventhough shaken from the conflict emerges victorious and her deterrence has been firmly re-established.

Olmert, who lost both of his testicles in the process of having his prostate operated, retires from politics and opens up a Shawarma stand in Jerusalem.
This is assuming Israel has the desire to survive, which she currently does not.

Offline Mifletzet

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Re: What if the Israeli attack on Iran fails?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2007, 08:59:04 PM »

It is ominous that Musharaff, as if he hasn't got enough problems,  said today that "Pakistan's new government will support Iran against arrogant Zionist agression!".

 Mushroom clouds, anyone?!


Offline The Shadow

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Re: What if the Israeli attack on Iran fails?
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2007, 09:10:04 PM »
To be honest,  I have no faith in Israel after the second war in Lebanon.  That was a pathetic performance.  It emboldened all the Arab countries.  Right after the war Syria started making threats. 

I blame it on Israeli  leadership.  You know if Chaim were running things over there, the outcome of that war would have been drastically different.   Hezbollah would not be able to hide among Lebanese civilians because Chaim would have bombed those towns to the ground civilians and all.  Israel would not have only won the war, but  would have annexed part of Lebanon. 

What a blessing that would have been!

Offline briann

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Re: What if the Israeli attack on Iran fails?
« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2007, 01:55:07 AM »
Iran got everything they wanted after the most recent Israel/Hezbolah war.  It was a Half/ass war to begin with, and all it did was make Muslims more united.  If we declare war on Islam, it must be on ALL of Islam.  Not just Iran. It must be on Iran, Pakistan, the Saudis, Syria, etc.   We must obliterate Islam, just as we obliterated the Nazis.  Unfortunetly, before we realise this is the case, we may lose millions of people in a mushroom cloud.