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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Asara BeTevet, Sunday, December 31.

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Shalom Chaim,

Please comment on Ask JTF or on another JTF show about the death of President Ford. Do you think he died as a punishment from G-d? * Added as a late addition after the rest of the message.

What is your opinion on Jews celebrating Secular New Year's Eve? In Israel, the self-hating Jews celebrate it as a Christian holiday because they call it Silvester, taken from St. Silvester. The reason they call it that is because The Haredim looked on the calendar before the creation of the state so they could see what Christian holiday fell then so they could convince Jews not to celebrate it. However, it didn't work and it caused Jews to celebrate it AS a Christian holiday since they adopted the name themselves. Their original intent was to celebrate it as a Secular holiday. In Hebrew, I just call it Rosh Hashana Izrachi. I watch the ball drop on TV but I just think of it as a change of the number in the year. I like calendar subjects so it interests me that the year changes. I don't think people should go out and party for it. I don't think Jews should say Happy New Year on that day. It is not a celebration but rather a calendric event. I think it's shtuyot that people think they have to have a date for New Year's Eve and kiss her at midnight.

What is your opinion on Noahides celebrating Secular New Year's Eve?

What is your opinion on Christians celebrating Secular New Year's Eve? In Christianity, January 1 as The New Year marks Jesus's brit milah since he is said to have been born on December 25, therefore making his brit on January 1, 1 C.E.. However, many Christians just think it a time to party. What do you think of the Christians who party for it instead of going to church?

I was going to ask that through Jimmy but I already asked something through him for this week. I added those questions later. Below is the regular questions I posted for December 31.

Do you eat latkes? If you think it is not healthy, would eat them if they were made with olive oil? Is that healthy? Are the potatoes in latkes un-healthy? Do you eat potatoes at all? Are potatoes healthy at all?

Do you eat corn? Is popcorn unhealthy? Am I right assuming you don't eat popcorn?

Do you eat bagels? Are they healthy?

Would you eat kosher fried chicken? Would you eat a chicken burger or any other burger without red meat? In Israel they have a kosher Kentucky Fried Chicken in Mevasseret Tzion and they used to have one in Jerusalem but it closed after the bombing spree in 2002. I like the kosher Kentucky Fried Chicken and kosher Burger Kings in Israel and they are schvartza free so they get your order right. I assume you don't like all that because you think fast food is not healthy.

Would you ever eat at a restaraunt if you knew there were no schvartzas or Arabs working there? Or is it unhealthy?

Do you eat pareve vegan cheese or tofu?

Do you eat apples and honey for Rosh Hashana? Is honey healthy? Do you do Rosh Hashana the Sfardic way with rimonim, a fish head, and the other things eaten with special brachot such as leeks?

Why don't you make an exception and eat eggs on Passover for the seder once a year? Isn't it part of Judaism to eat the egg at the seder? What do you do other times on Passover because many Passover foods have eggs in them in place of bread products. Would you eat corn or kitniyot on Passover? I do. Your father was Ashkenazic but I thought maybe you would say that not eating it is European nonsense just like you don't believe in saying Shabbos. How can you keep Kosher For Passover and live your healthy eating lifestyle at the same time?

Do you check the ingredients of everything you eat to make sure it doesn't have dairy or eggs in it? Would you eat a food that is not eggs but has eggs as an ingredient? Would you eat something that is chalavi but milk is only an ingredient and not the main part such as a dairy bread or cake? I think you might not want a cake for different reasons because you would say it's junk food and therefore not healthy. Would you eat any cake at all?

Would you eat caviar if you could afford it? I agree with you on salmon. That is my favorite kind of fish and I eat it every Friday Night for kiddush. I also like steelhead trout which is similar to salmon in color (Unlike rainbow trout.). Steelehead trout is red while salmon is pink. The reddish and pinkish colors according to OU Radio Kosher Tidbits is proof of it being kosher in a non-kosher market while other fish there you can only buy if you see the scales. This is because many fish are marketed under brand names and have nothing to do with the Latin species name so there could be 2 fish called the same thing while one has Halachically kosher scales while the other one doesn't. But only kosher fish have the pinkish and reddish color to them. Do you buy kosher fish from a non-kosher market? I do. I only buy kosherly slaughtered meat either from a kosher market or kosherly sealed from a goy supermarket and I try to eat only kosher labeled dairy and pareve packaged foods in the house. Outside of the house, I only eat meat at kosher restaurants and at other places I buy vegetarian, either pareve or dairy.

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.

Dear Chaim

1. Could you please explain the 40 year lag from either 1948 or 1967 in connection with the messianic era. In a recent show you mentioned next year's 40th anniversary since the miracle of the 6-day victory HaShem wrought for us. I kind of know this at the back of my head but can't quite remember exactly what it is in connection with.

2. Is it not about time we stop using the words palestine and palestinian - there is and has been - and will be - no palestine or palestinians. Unfortunately such fallacy is printed even on sites like Arutz Sheva. There are Arabs - period - there is no such thing as palestinian or Israeli Arab - let's all start calling them what they are - let's all start dismantling this pernicious lie and myth. Let's all make an effort for such action to take off on websites and other media such as papers. Let's all not use the words palestine and palestinians. The Arabs cling on to a few words, like occupation, palestine, palestinian, oppression and apartheid when discussing Israel - using these in every sentence in any interview or written article. Let's all start using words like Eretz Yisrael, G-d given Land of Israel, Arabs, murderers, Jewish state when discussing the Arab pogrom against the Jewish people, in any interview given and any article written - what do you think?

Thanks and keep up all the good and holy work of helping the house of Israel towards redemption. May HaShem bless you and keep you.

Hello Chaim,

Hope you are having a nice holiday season. Now that we are approaching a New Year the candidates for the presidency will start to grow.  And as much as I wish Tom Tancredo would run it is to my disheartening belief unfortunately this country will never bring someone like him to office because he stands against the elite pack on issues like shutting America's borders down and to get the already illegal vermin here out. Since this is a case and we may get stuck with a cast of character that none of us would like who do you see as the second best thing? 

And isn't it ironic this all of a sudden influx we hear on the news about ecoli spinach and tainted lettuce comes from the same area where a lot of the illegal alien cockaroaches pick crops?

Yacov Menashe adds:

Interesting Side Note: The problem is in Taco Bell which sells the cuisine of their native land. LOL. ;D

Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hardwork and answering my questions.

With the 2008 Presidential Election quickly coming around the corner we are seeing the horse race begin. I know JTF is contemplating supporting U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter, and I have done some research on him and while he is not prefect he is the most conservative G.O.P. candidate out there so far. Congressman Hunter is against any amnesty or guest-worker program, and is against so-called free trade. When I brought Congressman Hunter up on conservative messageboards as a possible 2008 G.O.P. candidate, I received a negative reaction from so-called conservatives who are die-hard supporters of Ruidiot Giuliani. Their argument is that a real conservative cannot win and a Republican in name only is better than a democrat. They claim I am being naive by standing on my principles and only supporting true conservative candidates. Do you believe it is naive to prefer defeat with a candidate who has principles then to win with a candidate who is a harlot? Are there not more important things in life than just winning?

What do you think about the State of Judea idea?  According to Yukutiel, the Rav was contemplating this idea after he was banned from the Knesset. I personally love this idea since I think that the communist secular governement will never let Torah true Jews take power.  The only fast way to make a revolution is to seize power in my opinion.  If you like the State of Judea idea, how much force can you use according to the Torah (this part is ambiguous to me).  There are many ways to form a State of Judea and to seize power, but they follow and inverse type of relationship with violence.  The more effective stratagies will lead to more bloodshed (jewish infighting) and the least effective stratagies will lead to the least bloodshed.  For example, do you think it is a good idea for a large settlement joined by a few thousand kahanists to take arms and declare an independant state of Judea on a settlement run by Halacha and threaten to shoot at anyone who tries to throw them out?  This would accomplish a lot of good but might lead to some bloodshed.  I am interested on your opinion on a theoretical basis (since we are not in Israel, so it is only theoretical). 


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