General Category > Introduce Yourself
From a basement in Scandinavia I present ME!
But the muslims are NOT understanding your history and culture. They hate it. They are NOT assimilating.In all Europe, USA and Australia NO muslims are accepting pour culture. They remain apart, backward and violent. For more than 30 years Europe has tried to assimilate muslims and it has failed. They don't want to assimilate. What makes you think it will work now?
Secondly who said anything about hating? Just because you stop allowing the third world to flood your country doesn't mean you hate them. There are drug addicts on the streets of big cities in Europe now. Just because you don't let them into your basement and sleep in your bed, does it mean you hate them?
By all means wealthy countries should help poor ones, but that doesn't mean transferring their populations to our countries. What do you think foreign aid is for?
I love all animals. I have cats and dogs. I don't have wolves and tigers. Why? They will wreck my home and they won't be happy here.
Similarly, have Indians and Chinese in Europe if you must, but why muslims. They can't be happy in a liberal/secular europe and you people can't tollerate their constant rioting, raping and terror. Kicking them out is nothing to do with hate. It's survival.
The Debater:
--- Quote from: newman on November 05, 2007, 10:22:51 AM ---But the muslims are NOT understanding your history and culture. They hate it. They are NOT assimilating.In all Europe, USA and Australia NO muslims are accepting pour culture. They remain apart, backward and violent. For more than 30 years Europe has tried to assimilate muslims and it has failed. They don't want to assimilate. What makes you think it will work now?
Secondly who said anything about hating? Just because you stop allowing the third world to flood your country doesn't mean you hate them. There are drug addicts on the streets of big cities in Europe now. Just because you don't let them into your basement and sleep in your bed, does it mean you hate them?
By all means wealthy countries should help poor ones, but that doesn't mean transferring their populations to our countries. What do you think foreign aid is for?
I love all animals. I have cats and dogs. I don't have wolves and tigers. Why? They will wreck my home and they won't be happy here.
Similarly, have Indians and Chinese in Europe if you must, but why muslims. They can't be happy in a liberal/secular europe and you people can't tollerate their constant rioting, raping and terror. Kicking them out is nothing to do with hate. It's survival.
--- End quote ---
I'am talking about hating, due to what I read and see on this forum, and what you're writing, if not talking about your signature, you ARE hating them. You can't deny it.
I undestand why you're angry. Your people have been persecuted, hated and killed for only one reason..... religion...... through all of history. I also undestand why the muslims, espicially the Palestines are hating the west. The U.S just took away the land from the Palestines and gave it to the jews after the second world war. I know that their have been a constant war between christians, jews and muslims in that area, but I undestand the hate to the west too. That of course dosen't give the extrem muslims the right to attack and kill innocent people in both Europe, USA and Israel, and using some stupid book as their excuse to do so. This dosen't mean that I hate Israel. I'm actually amazed over how they could defend their new country without help from anyone in the 60's and how they could get so much out of the natural resources in a desert area.
And no, the danes can't tolerate the people that constant rioting, raping and terrorizing the danish people, but we can tolerate muslims that undestand and respect our culture, getting education and contribute to the society by working hard everyday.
--- Quote from: The Debater on November 05, 2007, 10:46:44 AM ---
--- Quote from: newman on November 05, 2007, 10:22:51 AM ---But the muslims are NOT understanding your history and culture. They hate it. They are NOT assimilating.In all Europe, USA and Australia NO muslims are accepting pour culture. They remain apart, backward and violent. For more than 30 years Europe has tried to assimilate muslims and it has failed. They don't want to assimilate. What makes you think it will work now?
Secondly who said anything about hating? Just because you stop allowing the third world to flood your country doesn't mean you hate them. There are drug addicts on the streets of big cities in Europe now. Just because you don't let them into your basement and sleep in your bed, does it mean you hate them?
By all means wealthy countries should help poor ones, but that doesn't mean transferring their populations to our countries. What do you think foreign aid is for?
I love all animals. I have cats and dogs. I don't have wolves and tigers. Why? They will wreck my home and they won't be happy here.
Similarly, have Indians and Chinese in Europe if you must, but why muslims. They can't be happy in a liberal/secular europe and you people can't tollerate their constant rioting, raping and terror. Kicking them out is nothing to do with hate. It's survival.
--- End quote ---
I'am talking about hating, due to what I read and see on this forum, and what you're writing, if not talking about your signature, you ARE hating them. You can't deny it.
I undestand why you're angry. Your people have been persecuted, hated and killed for only one reason..... religion...... through all of history. I also undestand why the muslims, espicially the Palestines are hating the west. The U.S just took away the land from the Palestines and gave it to the jews after the second world war. I know that their have been a constant war between christians, jews and muslims in that area, but I undestand the hate to the west too. That of course dosen't give the extrem muslims the right to attack and kill innocent people in both Europe, USA and Israel, and using some stupid book as their excuse to do so. This dosen't mean that I hate Israel. I'm actually amazed over how they could defend their new country without help from anyone in the 60's and how they could get so much out of the natural resources in a desert area.
And no, the danes can't tolerate the people that constant rioting, raping and terrorizing the danish people, but we can tolerate muslims that undestand and respect our culture, getting education and contribute to the society by working hard everyday.
--- End quote ---
I'm not a Jew, BTW.
Firstly there is NO such thing as P*lestine or a P*listinian. There is NO unique p*lestinian language, culture, religion or quisine. They are arabs, same as Saudis, Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians. There was NO mention of p*lestinians or a p*lestinian state until 1964. Check it. It's fact.
That was a name invented by the Romans in the 1st century CE. Jews lived in the land of Israel for 3,500 years. Not a single arab ever set foot in that land until 1,000 years ago........and that was an invasion! Israel is rightfully Jewish, NOT arab/muslim.
Israel is also .5% of the mid east. Arab muslims have 99.5%. Are you saying .5% is too much? Must arabs have 100%?
America did not give Israel to the Jews. It was always theirs. The UK allowed for the reinstatement of a Jewish homeland in their traditional land (known as P*lestine since 100CE). They created the arab state of Jordan out of it fisrt! So there is already a P*lestinian state.....Jordan. The UN voted for the State of Israel. It's legal and irreversable.
I hate nobody who didn't hate me first. Muslims have declared their intention to rape, enslave, kill or forcibly convert me, my family and my countrymen when we've done NOTHING to them. Islam declared holy war on the west first.
As for 'moderate' muslims.....where are they? NO muslim voices opposition to the jihadists. NO muslim protests against radicals. Therefor, they agree with them. Silence=agreement.
We are entitled to hate those who hate us.
--- Quote ---I also undestand why the muslims, espicially the Palestines are hating the west. The U.S just took away the land from the Palestines and gave it to the jews after the second world war
--- End quote ---
You have been brainwashed my friend. Its not about land. The 67 Jews that were massacred in Hebron in 1929 were not killed bacause they took their land, Israel didn't even exist then. They were attacked because its in the Koran to wage Jihad against anyone resisting conversion to Islam.
Israel officially recognized the Palestinain state and later withdrew from "the occupied lands" and look at the result: rocket fire and suicide bombings.
The Debater:
First of all sorry for calling anyone, who is not a jew, for a jew.
And of course their is no Palestinian state, language, culture and so on, due to facts. If all danes were kicked out of Denmark by for example Norwegians, their would not be a danish state, language or culture anymore, if we looked at facts. Facts don't tell anything about anyone, they're just made so that people don't have to find out things themselves, by reading and looking for information.
And point out something very important, if I'm brainwashed, you're to. Muslims are brainwashed to believe in Islam, jews are brainwashed to believe in the Torah, chrsitans are brainwashed to belive in God and Jesus, and I'm brainwashed to believe in what I believe in..... tollerance, respect and love, all christian values that the European society and rules are made from. Like the Sharia law is made from the Koran.
All this, incuding this website, violence and hating is based on religon, nothing else. If religion didn't exist, WHOA! What a wonderful world, as Luis Armstrong sang so beutifully. Religon has caused so much killing, hating and violence, and to find an excuse of this, why not write a book and put in some innocent stories that legalyze killing. Religon have started several wars, and killing of innocent people, like the killing of 67 jews in Hebron 1929, like the killing of innocent muslims by the christian crusaders, and killing of innocent christians by the romans.
I'm personally against Jihad, The Crusades and any form of "excuse" to kill other humans. And finally I'm not entitled to hate those who hate me that's just plain barbarism, and if they want me dead, they can try when I'll be send to Afghanistan, to join my comrades in the fight against terrorism and for a more peacefully world.
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