Poor thing....
I wouldn't be, as a Serb, allowed to use them ?!!!
With your un-logic, you could all the way speak PAKISTANESE,
since ALL of the so-called NAZICROAT "language" is a SERBIAN ONE.
Poor thing....
Google whatever you can....
NAZICROATS had only SERBIAN words, EVEN in their SS "flags", like:
"Sto Bog da i sreca junacka"
"Што Бог да и срећа јуначка"
And their very USTASHA "slogan":
"za dom spremni"
"за дом спремни"
So, poor thing, I suggest you NOT USING anymore EVER these words
(though Serbian ones), since NAZICROATS stole them
to the Serbs, i.e. to us.
What will you do, ACCORDING to your "logic" ?...
Speak/read/write ZULU ?!!!!!!
Shall I remember you that they ALSO say:
"tata", "mama", "domovina",
"pas", "drvo", "sunce", "konj",
"magarac", "ulica", "grad", "ruka",
"njiva", "govedo", "oblak", "magla",
and some hundreds of thousands like these ones........
Good luck to you,
since you don't want to put SERBIAN words in your mouth.....
You've got OTHER languages.....
Why not beginning with TAMIL ?!!.....