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Neutron Iran NOw!
« on: November 01, 2006, 09:31:07 AM »
 Neutron Iran - Do It!

Neutron Iran — Do It!

By Shmuel ben Yehoshua

We have seen lately endless whimpering over Israel’s impotence in the face of a world push for its destruction. Even former IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Moshe Ya’alon speaks in limp, overly international terms, stating of Iran that, “We have to handle this at a diplomatic level. Iran uses proxies, and Syria plays the role of facilitator, and the world is letting them get away with it. We need a diplomatic effort to make sure the world holds them responsible.”

Why talk about world diplomacy? Because it looks good!

But is that really what we need?

Anyone who has read Machiavelli’s “The Prince” knows that Machiavelli, the secular theorist of statecraft par excellence (and who every secularist in Israel never read), railed against the use of foreign forces and mercenaries to carry out a state’s objectives and even said that this fatigued reliance on others was the principal cause of the fall of the Roman Empire itself.

Also, the Bush Administration, in the words of the Jerusalem Post’s Caroline Glick, “is showing acute signs of policy collapse. In a near inexplicable move, the State Department issued a visa to former Iranian president Muhammad Khatami. Obscenely, the former leader and regime flack for the Islamic supremacist ayatollahs has been invited to speak at the National Cathedral in Washington.”

It would seem from this that the U.S. is seeking dubious allies for the usual pipedream of “regime change from within” in Iran, that is, to foment an internal revolt without an overt American attack on Iran. This pipedream was already tried in other places like Iraq and failed. Israel is endlessly seeking to get somebody else to do the dirty work, such as the U.S., which is now also seeking to get somebody else to do the dirty work, namely the U.N., the European Union, and in the case of Khatami, the Iranians themselves. There is also repeated talk of the U.S. seeking to delay any military action on Iran until the GOP convention of the summer of 2008.

Israel does not have time for such corrupt and self-serving delays. At one time Iran’s nuclear program was all located in one place. It could have been disabled with a single military operation. Now Iran has nuclear facilities all over the country. It has the Bushehr nuclear power plant being built by the Russians. The U.N. has meekly suggested Iran stop enriching uranium. But if the Bushehr plant goes into service, it can make plutonium that can be used instead of uranium, to make an atomic bomb. Additionally, Iran has just inaugurated a plant to produce heavy water. Heavy water has extra neutrons that alter nuclear processes so that even unenriched uranium can be used in a reactor. Plutonium can then be made in that reactor even without any enriched uranium at all. Iran is also building facilities in places such as Neyshabour where 155,000 advanced P2 centrifuges will be able to make bomb-grade highly enriched uranium sufficient for an atom bomb in as little as a couple of weeks after the facility gets going. And the facility at Neyshabour is buried too deep to be accessed by bunker buster bombs. As soon as that facility goes operational Iran will be able to make dozens of atomic bombs in a matter of months. By adding special isotope hydrogen to these bombs they can also turn them into hydrogen bombs. (A hydrogen bomb combines a regular atomic bomb used as a thermal trigger with a special isotope of hydrogen.)

There are hundreds of these nuclear facilities in Iran, all over the place. No single air operation can possibly get them all. Only if Israeli leaders get over their territory allergy and stage a ground invasion will they be able to stop Iran. This means marching through Syria to get to Iran. In fact, Syria’s bellicose role in Lebanon and its alliance with Iran brings the whole problem local and means that Israel will not have to march through much neutral territory on its way to Iran. As an extremely belligerent ally of Iran aiding the Hezbollah attack on Israel Syria will only be getting what it deserves.

Once Israeli ground forces are in Iran the problem is not that difficult politically because there are so many nuclear facilities in Iran that all an Israeli invasion force would have to do is invite in the international media and there will be pictures and film all over CNN and other news outlets showing the monstrous danger the Iranians posed while the world slept. There will then be no argument as Israeli ground forces then blow up all those facilities.

But the Lebanon war showed just how advanced Iranian conventional weaponry has become. The Iranians and their Syrian and Hezbollah allies have the most advanced anti-tank weapons.

Those advocating the use of nuclear weapons against Iran speak in overly apocalyptic terms about using these weapons only as a last ditch effort against Iranian nuclear sites. And then these same advocates shrink from any serious discussion of this because they dread the pariah status they fear will then befall Israel.

But then, what else is new?

So people run around like chickens without heads torn between inadequate ideas for conventional weaponry air strikes (as though the IDF were only an air force) and “unthinkable” nuclear strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.

In fact, there is a third alternative and that is to drop neutron bombs not on Iranian nuclear sites but on Iranian and Syrian conventional forces — Iranian and Syrian armies and airfields. This would ruin the entire Iranian and Syrian militaries instantly and make an Israeli ground invasion all the way deep into Iran an overnight cakewalk. Why the radiation wouldn’t endanger invading Israeli ground forces we’ll get to in a moment.

Thus, Israel would have to send ground forces up into Syria, cross over the small land bridge separating Syria and Iran, and then come down into Iran and take over the entire country. This means crossing through a small bit of Iraqi territory but in an area in the north, which is dominated by the Kurds, who have long been friendly to Israel and with whom Israel has close ties even now.

For many years it has been reported that Israel has the neutron bomb — lots of them. (Israel also reportedly has regular atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and even nuclear land mines.)

It has also been widely reported that Israel has missile delivery systems for nuclear bombs, including the Jericho missile and much more importantly missile technology that can go much farther. As early as 1988 Israel successfully launched a three-stage satellite rocket which U.S. experts concluded had the capability to travel 2,800 miles and carry a one-ton payload. That’s almost twice the distance needed to nuke any city in Iran. In short, every square inch of Iran and Syria is completely vulnerable to Israeli nuclear missile attack. But Israel, Gulliver in Lilliput, behaves as if it is terrified and helpless.

What is the neutron bomb? How does it differ from other nuclear weapons? One of the features of many nuclear weapons is a casing around the bomb composed of materials that tend to reflect neutron radiation back inward as the explosion develops. This has the effect of building up the release of radiation further. With an overly thin casing the main effect of the explosion is a release of neutron radiation but not blast effect. This is how a neutron bomb is designed. It kills people, but leaves buildings and other structures intact. Moreover, the neutron radiation released in a neutron bomb explosion does not linger for years the way radiation fallout lasts from a regular nuclear explosion. And you don’t have a lot of fallout radiation drifting back to the country that launched the missile. Instead, the radiation is gone in only a few days, even as little as a week or less.

What does this mean? It means that if Israel dropped neutron bombs on Iranian and Syrian armed forces, tank columns, infantry, airfields and so forth, the enemy soldiers, pilots and airfield technicians would all be dead but the tanks and aircraft would all be intact, except perhaps for some fried electronics. A week later Israeli forces could safely storm into all those areas without any resistance, take over the enemy planes, tanks and missiles and actually cart them all back to Israel — “Exhibit A” to show the world the vast war preparations underway in supposedly “peaceful” Iran and Syria. Iranian and Syrian airfields would also be largely still usable, so that after the initial invasion Israeli forces could actually use those airfields for resupply. The problem of long supply lines would be quickly relieved. The very same airfields and other infrastructure used by Syria and Iran to supply Hezbollah in Lebanon would actually be used in reverse — to supply Israeli forces in Iran.

The lack of obvious property damage and devastation, plus the fact that Israeli ground forces were actually marching right into the nuked areas would give the world a very different picture than the expectation of nuclear devastation. Moreover, every Iranian nuclear site could be conquered without firing nearly a single bullet because nearly all resistance would already have been wiped out and the rest fleeing in panic over a nuclear attack. It is much less difficult to seize a nuclear site that has essentially been abandoned than one that has to be destroyed. From there Israel could show all those sites to the world for all to see what genocide the Iranians were cooking up against the Jews. Many incriminating Iranian files and documents found on these sites would also show up the fraud of the United Nations that did next to nothing while Iran headed toward production of atomic weapons. The Iranian nuclear sites could then be destroyed by Israel.

Meanwhile, even the most brainwashed Iranians would be in shock and offering little resistance. Not because most Iranian forces were “defeated.” Rather, because most Iranian forces would be dead. (Some Iranians, having been promised 72 virgins in paradise, might even be worrying for the first time about their 73rd night in paradise. “Oh no! I’m fresh outa virgins! Imam never told me about this!” Anyhow, all these maniacs asked for a hot night, didn’t they?)

Meanwhile, leaflets dropped from the air over various parts of Iran, Syria, southern Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank would make clear to the inhabitants that they better clear out or else. Leaflets over southern Lebanon in the Lebanon war already achieved substantial population evacuation, proving how easy it really is to clear out a hostile population. After nuking Iran and Syria the entire Arab populations in all these collaborating areas would have no doubt as to the seriousness of Israeli intentions. All the threatening territories, Gaza, West Bank and so on would be cleared out in record time, offering no distractions to Israeli ground forces during the ground invasions into Syria and Iran. After the war all those areas, Gaza, the West Bank and the rest, would be searched for months or years for missiles and only those who could prove their loyalty to Israel would be allowed back into those areas, which is to say, not many. There would be no more Palestinian problem, no more southern Lebanon problem.

And the occupation becomes easy because the enemy forces are all dead before your ground forces even arrive. There would be very few Israeli casualties.

This is how you do it. This is how you solve all these problems at once and at minimal cost.

Today an avalanche of deluded Israeli “experts” terrified of the “N” word are suddenly talking about the need for new strategies, new paradigms, new “strategic thinking” regarding Iran. There is talk of appeasing Syria and bribing them. Well what thinking would you expect from the current Israeli elite? Anything to pull Syria away from its Iranian ally, squishing and squeezing, pushing and pulling the two countries like one of those long, twisty, tie-up balloons. Yup, we’ll get others to do our work for us. We’ll get the Syrians for sure! Rather, it’s just the opposite. The fact that Syria is allied with Iran gives Israel every right to invade Syria on its way to Iran. Nearly contiguous enemy territory lies between Israel and Iran and Israel should make the most of it.

And yet, on and on the theorists blather, about the need to tell the Americans to tell the Europeans to tell the Russians to tell the UN to tell Iran what Israel’s new “red lines” are, one empty verbal threat, promise, warning, philosophy, diplomatic gambit, symbolic wink and nod after another, all of it meaningless in the face of an Iranian nation that sent thousands of brainwashed children into Iraqi minefields to happily blow up the mines on their way to paradise.

We saw the same kind of insanity in Japan in World War II, with millions of Japanese believing their emperor was a god and willing to do anything for him, including kamikaze suicide bombings. The Japanese actually had “thought police” brainwashing them day and night. It took one thing and one thing only to shock Japan out of its insanity and nothing less: Nuclear weapons followed by an occupation. Japan has been a relatively peaceful country for half a century since.

To be sure, there will be those who will moan against such an approach, weeping and wailing about “escalation” and the “endless cycle of violence.” Once again we refer to Machiavelli’s “The Prince.” In Chapter 3 Machiavelli wrote that, “The injury we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance.” This is THE answer to worries about “endless cycles of violence and escalation.” If you destroy the enemy there is no escalation. We don’t need to hit Iran hard enough to “send a message.” Any military attack intended to “send a message” is not hitting hard enough. Messages are meaningless with these lunatics. This is not about taking a “message to Marie,” to borrow from a Bob Dylan song. We need to hit them hard enough that they are vanquished.

We are taught in the Talmud, Brachos 58a, “If someone comes to kill you, rise early and kill him first.” To paraphrase this, if someone comes to nuke you, nuke him first. If we cannot use nuclear weapons when someone is coming to nuke us, then when can we? In short, get out from under the desk, give yourself a testosterone injection for once in your life, trade in the flower power for firepower and nuke the bastards already.

Offline TheCoon

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Re: Neutron Iran NOw!
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 08:35:42 AM »
Israel should have annihilated Iran's long range rockets and nuclear facilities the second they had knowledge. With every passing day Iran gains new knowledge on how to make nukes. This will make it easier to rebuild if they are finally taken out.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline shmujew

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Re: Neutron Iran NOw!
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 08:46:03 PM »
Thats why it is imperative to try to get rid of the current government in Israel AT ONCE and put this plan into ACTION NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!