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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #50 on: December 19, 2006, 04:17:28 PM »
In the UK black men are 'only' about 4 or 5% of the population overall but they are 15% of the jail population.

The reason is that they have higher levels of testosterone and are more likely to commit outrageously violent crime in a casual fashion.  They are also less intelligent so they a) care less about the consequences and b) are less able to cover up their tracks.

But the real reason why I and most others dislike them is because of their genetic potential and their special relationship with the white woman.  In London a young white male cannot get access to attractive white females any longer, because most young London women are sleeping with black men.

In fact, white women prefer the opportunity to have black men's babies because they have a deep-rooted unconscious tendency to seek out the strongest genetic material for their off-spring ... and black men are about as crude, strong and prepotent genetically speaking as you will find anywhere.  Most modern white men are effeminate and useless by comparison to the black man's awesome genetic strength.

But although mixed multitudes, birthed by white mothers who were impregnated by black men's genital apparatus, may be physically stronger they are mentally less capable ... and thus society moves from being over-refined and weak to being savage and strong ... it is a Natural cycle, and a curse of G-d ... the finger of the L-rd is in all of this.

And white women whoop with joy when they take sleek young negroes to bed with them - because the black man rocks the white woman's world, and she wraps herself around him, and cries out, and takes great joy in conceiving the fruits of his loins - because the white woman loves the black man more than anything, and desires his babies more than all the gold and jewellery in the world.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2006, 05:18:25 PM »
In the UK black men are 'only' about 4 or 5% of the population overall but they are 15% of the jail population.

The reason is that they have higher levels of testosterone and are more likely to commit outrageously violent crime in a casual fashion.  They are also less intelligent so they a) care less about the consequences and b) are less able to cover up their tracks.

But the real reason why I and most others dislike them is because of their genetic potential and their special relationship with the white woman.  In London a young white male cannot get access to attractive white females any longer, because most young London women are sleeping with black men.

In fact, white women prefer the opportunity to have black men's babies because they have a deep-rooted unconscious tendency to seek out the strongest genetic material for their off-spring ... and black men are about as crude, strong and prepotent genetically speaking as you will find anywhere.  Most modern white men are effeminate and useless by comparison to the black man's awesome genetic strength.

But although mixed multitudes, birthed by white mothers who were impregnated by black men's genital apparatus, may be physically stronger they are mentally less capable ... and thus society moves from being over-refined and weak to being savage and strong ... it is a Natural cycle, and a curse of G-d ... the finger of the L-rd is in all of this.

And white women whoop with joy when they take sleek young negroes to bed with them - because the black man rocks the white woman's world, and she wraps herself around him, and cries out, and takes great joy in conceiving the fruits of his loins - because the white woman loves the black man more than anything, and desires his babies more than all the gold and jewellery in the world.

I cant agree with a thing thats written here. White woman cavort with black beasts because this is what is shown to them as being popular and trendy by the evil liberal media. If its shown on the soap operas and sitcoms it must be good. This is whats taught to them in schools by the liberal left. Its nothing more than that. Satan you really should stop looking at black baboons as having any edge on the white man. To me they seem like the missing link between ape and man. White woman who cavort with black beasts in most cases have very little going on upstairs.
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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #52 on: December 20, 2006, 10:13:17 AM »

I cant agree with a thing thats written here. White woman cavort with black beasts because this is what is shown to them as being popular and trendy by the evil liberal media. If its shown on the soap operas and sitcoms it must be good. This is whats taught to them in schools by the liberal left. Its nothing more than that. Satan you really should stop looking at black baboons as having any edge on the white man. To me they seem like the missing link between ape and man. White woman who cavort with black beasts in most cases have very little going on upstairs.
Agreed 100%.  Liberalism has infected the minds of the masses as Lenin himself professed and the Fabian Society had put into practice: H.G.Wells, G.B Shaw, B/S Webb, J. Dewey, Ruskin, B.F. Skinner etc..  This is the dumbing down of the masses to embrace hedonism, "diversity", "multiculturalism", "progressiveness", "tolerance" and of course shvartzism.  Political Correctness and the Leftist agenda has totally bankrupted Western culture and society.  Tragic... which will result one day soon, G-d forbid, in a morally bankrupt police State like Cuba or Russia:'(
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #53 on: December 20, 2006, 10:50:35 AM »
In the UK black men are 'only' about 4 or 5% of the population overall but they are 15% of the jail population.

The reason is that they have higher levels of testosterone and are more likely to commit outrageously violent crime in a casual fashion.  They are also less intelligent so they a) care less about the consequences and b) are less able to cover up their tracks.

As i mentioned above, this is because the police instantly suspect any black man of commiting the crime, so therefore crimes committed by black men are considearbly more likely to get caught... i seriously doubt any actual discrepancy in number of crimes committed by whites and blacks

But the real reason why I and most others dislike them is because of their genetic potential and their special relationship with the white woman.  In London a young white male cannot get access to attractive white females any longer, because most young London women are sleeping with black men.

In fact, white women prefer the opportunity to have black men's babies because they have a deep-rooted unconscious tendency to seek out the strongest genetic material for their off-spring ... and black men are about as crude, strong and prepotent genetically speaking as you will find anywhere.  Most modern white men are effeminate and useless by comparison to the black man's awesome genetic strength.

Is there actually anything wrong with white women sleeping with black men?  Perhaps if white men such as yourself got out of your own backsides and actually went out looking for a suitable mate, then everything would be ok again.  I am white and married, all you have to do is look for people that are right for you... good luck GTHS  ;)


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #54 on: December 20, 2006, 01:37:26 PM »
As i mentioned above, this is because the police instantly suspect any black man of commiting the crime, so therefore crimes committed by black men are considearbly more likely to get caught... i seriously doubt any actual discrepancy in number of crimes committed by whites and blacks

A prejudice is an opinion formed independently of practical observation and which is tenaciously clung to even when facts are brought to bear which may give a valid cause for reconsideration.  Therefore you are prejudiced.  You are convinced that black men are the victims of racism - they get arrested more often which in your opinion is proof of racism rather than higher incidence of committing crimes - and facts do not disturb you from your cozy, BBC 'telly' formed opinion.  You are just like all the other little lemmings in Britain in this regard - you only let the media do your thinking for you.  How intellectually and morally pusilanimous of you.

Is there actually anything wrong with white women sleeping with black men?  Perhaps if white men such as yourself got out of your own backsides and actually went out looking for a suitable mate, then everything would be ok again.  I am white and married, all you have to do is look for people that are right for you... good luck GTHS  ;)

I am a victim of white female racism - the same white females who give everything to black men and are infinitely tolerant of them give me nothing and are intolerant of my very existence.

Good luck my backside - Britain is an institutionally racist, rotten, miserable, depressing country: racist against young white males that is.  Black men have everything they want.

Only white people who act like morons get to play a part in Blair's cesspool formerly known as Britain.  White men who use their own brains are considered enemies of the state, and are excommunicated from the community of woman.

I am a victim of racism.  :(


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #55 on: December 21, 2006, 08:48:35 AM »
the average black person in america is over twice as likely to be a criminal than the average white person

Yeah but 0.1 is two times 0.05... not exactly huge numbers...

And also a lot of this data will be skewed by the police always going for blacks rather than whites where possible... More blacks than whites will get caught.
Firstly, did you read the last line of my post at all?

And secondly, don't spout that liberalist rubbish about the police being racist.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #56 on: December 21, 2006, 10:43:08 AM »
Sorry, but this is a fact... police are instantly more suspicious of black men... the media doesn't want us to think this... the media uses a hush-hush technique and disguises the fact that blacks commit more crimes.

@GTHS, you have not given me a single reason to suppose why mixed race children are bad.


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #57 on: December 21, 2006, 12:27:46 PM »
The media wants people to think that the police are racist.

The police have a reason to suspect blacks more than others. That is because blacks are more likely to commit a violent crime.

Exactly.  fake plastic was starting to get there but he was still a little confused.   :D

Mixed children aren't bad (since no one is ever born bad anyway), I just think that the fact that they can only exist at the expense of white children is bad.  Sometimes they are inferior to both a pure Caucasian and a pure black.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #58 on: December 22, 2006, 06:21:59 AM »
Yacov, your argument seems at first logical and correct, and I was about to praise you, until i noticed the tiny loophole in your argument that is the WHOLE OF SOCIETY.  Most people in society are happy with inter-racial marriages, as GTHS so often says.  Why, then, is this a problem?


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #59 on: December 22, 2006, 07:32:13 AM »
Yacov, your argument seems at first logical and correct, and I was about to praise you, until i noticed the tiny loophole in your argument that is the WHOLE OF SOCIETY.  Most people in society are happy with inter-racial marriages, as GTHS so often says.  Why, then, is this a problem?

There are lots of things people aren't against, which says more about the current conditions of society than anything else.  Lots of people are no longer 'against' having homosexual teachers and homosexual messages in children's cartoons.  Many people are not 'against' having children sit and watch TV unaccompanied.  Many people are not 'against' feminism, many people (especially in Britian) are not against Muslim terrorism against innocent Israelis, etc etc - does that make those things RIGHT? 

Offline cjd

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2006, 07:42:44 AM »
Yacov, your argument seems at first logical and correct, and I was about to praise you, until i noticed the tiny loophole in your argument that is the WHOLE OF SOCIETY.  Most people in society are happy with inter-racial marriages, as GTHS so often says.  Why, then, is this a problem?

There are lots of things people aren't against, which says more about the current conditions of society than anything else.  Lots of people are no longer 'against' having homosexual teachers and homosexual messages in children's cartoons.  Many people are not 'against' having children sit and watch TV unaccompanied.  Many people are not 'against' feminism, many people (especially in Britian) are not against Muslim terrorism against innocent Israelis, etc etc - does that make those things RIGHT? 

""Now your talkin""  GTHS.  Excellent post!!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2006, 07:47:42 AM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2006, 12:59:18 PM »
I still believe that any individual should be judged by how they as an individual act without refferrence to their appearance or their parents behaviour.


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #62 on: December 22, 2006, 01:17:24 PM »
I still believe that any individual should be judged by how they as an individual act without refferrence to their appearance or their parents behaviour.

Can I just ask you, where do 'individuals' come from?  Are they plucked out of nowhere?  What forms their opinions and beliefs?  How do different individuals relate to one another?  Is it ever possible for certain individuals to pursue an activity they enjoy but which hurts other individuals through negative unintended consequences?  Is it acceptable to abandon a fanatical belief in 'individuality' in order to redress perceived 'past wrongs'?  Should some individuals be treated differently to others because of said perceived historical 'wrongs'?


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2006, 08:51:16 PM »
Everyone is an individual, it is impossible to judge somoene by looking at their relatives, race or friends, souch things may or may not affect the way a person turns out, but there is no way of knowing. Yes it is possible forsomeone to do soomethng that hurts other people in an unintended way (why is this relative). I do not beleive in fabouring someone over others because of what may or may not have happened to their ancestors. I believe in equality of opportunity, but not equality of result. What someone achieves in life should depend solely on their capabilities and attitudes.

I hope this answers your questions GTHS.


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2006, 09:07:35 PM »
I think that you are a proponent of the Anglo-Saxon worldview, which is a huge lie, that individuals are responsible for themselves first and foremost.  Which totally ignores the fact that individuals are socialized from birth into certain settiings which may not necessarily suit them or let their full potential come forth.  This worldview, which is very English and can be traced to 18th century utilitarianism, is very primitive and outdated by hundreds of years of sociological and psychological findings.

Guess what?  The news is in.  We CAN judge people according to stereotypes and group criterion, and with a very high level of predictive success too.  The English themselves, despite being a fundamentally dishonest and manipulative race, have harnessed this knowledge in a highly sophisticated manner for decades in their propaganda and advertising.


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2006, 05:29:38 PM »
No, I do not belive that an individual person is fully responisble for their actions, you seem to have forgotten my arguments about why terrorists deserve our sympathy...

However, I do believe that atempting to sterotype someone is wrong, no matter how accurate the results may be, I believe that you should judge each person as an individual.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #66 on: December 24, 2006, 07:51:36 AM »
ftf, you are completely right, stereotyping is bad, and it will lead to more unecessary prejudice.  However it is a trap that we all fall into at some point, but I believe the people who stereotype are morally unsound.


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #67 on: December 24, 2006, 08:05:38 AM »
The fetishization of 'individual' is an Anglo-Saxon device, and whereas it seems self-evident and enlightened to them to think in such terms, the majority of the world's cultures do not think like that.

ANd lots of sensible English don't even think that way besides; witness how often you see Englishmen politely crossing the road when they see a bunch of blacks or hoodies hanging about.  Yes, how wrong it is to stereotype, or attempt to classify different groups of people based on empirical evidence.   ::)

This is why Anglo-Saxon culture rarely celebrates its great leaders and most talented people.  Because under Anglo culture everyone is treated as if they were special, when it is only really collective effort which can bring about great things.

This is also why the ANglo countries, England, the old USA, Canada, and Australia are the most rapidly declining Western nations in the world.

Oh please, don't be talking about morality when you are from England.  That takes the cake.   :D

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #68 on: December 24, 2006, 10:09:35 AM »
How you who dream of sex can talk about morality is also beyond me... that or everyone can talk about morality with some flawed view, as we are all by nature immoral

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #69 on: December 24, 2006, 01:58:29 PM »
Who will such kids marry? They are not white or black. So they are limited to marrying someone who is into interracial marriage. This is even more problematic for black Jews who can't marry black goyim so unless there are white Jews willing to marry them, they have to look for the few black Jews around. Under Jewish Law, there is nothing wrong with a black Jew marrying other Jews. But I don't know why white Jews would want to because blacks aren't attractive and everyone is naturally more comfortable with their own kind. It is against the laws of nature for people to feel comfortable with other races like with their own.
"A Black Jew" is an oxymoron. A Hamite cannot be a Jew.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #70 on: December 26, 2006, 03:03:13 AM »
There is no race. Does the average European know if he is Germanic, Celtic, Latin, Greek, Viking, Phoenecian, Israelite, Slavic, etc? No. Does the average American know if he is English, German, Skandinavian, Dutch, Slavic, or Italian etc? Barely. Does the average Latin American care if he is white, black, Indian or a mixture of any two or all three? No. In a millenium, 99.9% of the world will have both a little black and white ancestry and the world will be better for it because there won't be "racial tension". Don't forget, some Jews are black and, relative to nonJewish blacks, they assimiilate very well.


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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #71 on: December 26, 2006, 03:09:38 AM »
Petre please see Yacov Menashe's threads and posts on racial classifications.  I agree with Yacov Menashe that the Caucasian race was miraculously created by G-d in the Garden of Eden but that before then blacks existed as sub-human creatures without souls.  In other words they were created after their own kind (i.e. the animal kind) and not in the image of Hashem.  They were endowed with souls after the Creation of the Caucasian race for some unspecified purpose (although part of G-d's masterplan and therefore above any human criticism).

What do you think of these ideas?

Do you really think it will be good for humanity to mix in with those African creatures within 1000 years?  That seems to me much too soon to effect such a huge change in human composition.  It would also stifle human intellectual development and probably result in the dying off of the entire human race through genetic pollution.

However I don't believe humanity has 1000 years left anyway because G-d will redeem the world with the Messiah before then.  He will not suffer us to witness political correctness kill our civilization for 1000 more years G-d willing.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #72 on: December 26, 2006, 02:52:38 PM »
By the year 6000 on The Jewish Calendar (2240 C.E.), The Messiah will have arrived and all evil people will be wiped out by G-d. There will only be righteous people in The World.

And sadly, that will mean very few people

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #73 on: December 26, 2006, 05:27:20 PM »
I feel stupid for asking this, but could someone please define 'righteous gentile' for me. How does a Gentile become 'righteous' IYO? I always thought it meant a noachide who kept the 7 laws but I think I've seen it used to refer to Pat Robertson, and he ain't a noachide. I'm confluzzed ???

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #74 on: December 27, 2006, 01:43:28 PM »
There are black converts to Judaism who stop being Hamites and become Israelites. There are also black Jews whose mother is Jewish but their father is a black Gentile. There are also Ethiopian Jews of mixed ancestry. But they are Jewish because the religion goes by the mother.
Are you serious? Those Ethiopian "Jews" aren't related to other Jewish people. They are not descended even partially from the twelve tribes of Israel. DNA-studies confirm this.

Moreover, even the term "Hamite" refers to dark-skinned Caucasians.