General Category > Introduce Yourself
HELLO From The Birdman
This is who I am and what I do. I happened to hear of you all way back and have been meaning to get in touch. However my agenda has kept me busy. So I am the Bird Man and would like to be put in touch with Heim your JTF video broadcaster.
Here is who we are:
Christian and Jewish Alliance (CJA)
A three tier organization;
Christian Jewish Intelligence Agency (CJIA)
Christian Jewish Action Group (CJAG)
Christian and Jews Protecting America and Israel (CJPAI)
You may have heard of us. I doubt it very seriously as we have in the past been very covert. Times have changed as things have worsened. We made a major decision after a lot of discussion to become visible for various reasons. The enemy knows well we are around. Becoming visible will send a clear message to them, the muslims they will understand it well. Our country today is in the most danger it has been in, in its existence. We stand in far greater danger than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I will make some posts later after my introduction, and once I get permission from JTF. We are respectful of our brothers and sister in this battle against islam. NOTE! my spelling is intentional when not capitalizing islam, allah etc.
We are an organization for the protection of Christians, and the Jewish Nation. Our enemy is the false god allah, and all its followers. Muslims, terrorist, left wing politics that concede to muslims. We are dedicated to the protection of Jews, and Christians, and the rights, and freedoms of The United States of America. We collaborate, and work in concert with like organizations that have our same goal. We support organizations both political, and activist, lobbyist who share our interest not just in speech, but action. We are a peaceful organization and condemn any form of violence, however in order to preserve the United States of America, and to protect the Christian, and Jewish people and Israel we will take whatever action necessary. We will at anytime contribute and aid our United States and Israeli Military if the situation dictates. Our organization is primarily focused here on American soil, however we do have organizations in which we communicate overseas to be aware of recent happenings and intelligence, and to render aid if required, and deemed necessary. We have largely operated off the Internet. We are now making our presence known as we can reach a larger audience. We see this problem worsening, and an urgent need for more American and Israeli citizens to be informed. Our official website is under construction, and will be up, and advertised soon.
We are funded by anonymous corporations, and individuals that share our concerns. We are an organization that formed after the Gulf War and headed up by a United States Air Force Gulf War Veteran who's online name is Atlanta Birdman or Birdman (Me) We can be reached now at atlanta.birdman@gmail if you wish to gain further information on how we impact our rights and freedoms as Christians, Jews, and aid in the protection of the United States. We operate a large scale organization comprised mainly of ex-military. If you wish you can subscribe to our news letter we are starting (we have in the past been low key and operated covertly)to get the real news of this war on terror. We have to utilize extreme security measures as the nation of Islam, and radical muslims despise our actions in thwarting their agenda. Also we have to contend with white supremacist's groups who do not care for us. Any interaction and or memberships once we get the Site ready will allow support memberships, be it moral, your prayers or donations. Note***Being this is a JTF forum your donations go to them first. We do not wish to derail any loyalty as we are for the same cause. With CJA your Identity is protected highly and never revealed, that means under no circumstance no matter . Our files will be destroyed before revealed, even to legal entities. We will deal with the repercussions or our attorneys will. All of our upper management have all passed extensive security and background checks. We will have our site up soon, and will post it here. Be assured we are dedicated Christians that know that the Jews are Gods Chosen. Then His grace was passed to us gentiles. So in the protection of America, and its Christians we are Obligated by His word to protect the Jewish people, and Israel.
In His Serve
Welcome Birdman. Can't wait to hear more... O0
Welcome. I look forward to more information.
--- Quote ---We have to utilize extreme security measures as the nation of Islam, and radical muslims despise our actions in thwarting their agenda.
--- End quote ---
Of course they do. They despise anything that shines a light on them to expose the truth. Sort of like a vampire.
Welome Birdman
Welcome, your information looks very interesting O0
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