Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea
Recommend Books on Noahide Life?
I'm looking for some good books on living as a Noahide. I've already read The Path of the Righteous Gentile: An Introduction to the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah by Chaim Clorfene and Yaakov Rogalsky (
I'm curious what other books (or sites) people here would recommend.
--- Quote from: DanBenNoah on November 12, 2007, 06:17:48 PM ---"The Rainbow Covenant" by Michael Ellias Dallen may be the best book on the subject that's out currently. In addition to its explanation of the Noahide Laws it also has a section that recommends certain other books and gives a short description and opinion of each one. The author of this book along with Noahide leader Jack E. Saunders and Rabbi Michael Katz started the First Covenant Foundation, which can be found here:
Soon there will also be a Noahide siddur available from a Noahide group in Oklahoma, written with rabbinic supervision.
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Thanks for the info.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is a siddur?
--- Quote from: DanBenNoah on November 12, 2007, 06:17:48 PM ---Soon there will also be a Noahide siddur available from a Noahide group in Oklahoma, written with rabbinic supervision.
--- End quote ---
Looks like it's already available:
I've ordered a copy and will report after I've read it.
Toward a Meaningful Life by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson is a great book.
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