Very good idea, I do that already so I am glad to see another working at it as well. 
Thanks. I feel this is an excellent way to inform naive Americans about the evils of Islam/Obama.
I have brought the truth to many dozens of boards.
I am astonished at the ignorance of the American public about the evils of Obama/Islam.
I have been banned and thrown off more boards than I can remember.
I have been called racist, bigot, right wing nutjob- and names I cannot repeat here.
But it has been worth it all- for the number of people who have thanked me and told me that they were unaware of Obama's Islamic roots and of the evils of Islam.
The on-line sweepstakes political board is very active with intelligent people but unfortunately the majority are liberals. Approach cautiously.
Be prepared to be called racist and bigot. They will eventually call you 'troll' and have you thrown off. (it was fun to war with them)
The ABC politics board is monitored by Obama lovers- your posts against him are usually deleted.
US politics on line is a good one. I've gotten in some good posts and have'nt been banned yet. is another good one. There is never less than a couple of hundred people viewing this during the day. (Rough crowd. Be prepared)