My opinion is that there is nothing wrong with a woman wearing revealing clothes.
Also hygene is a very high standard especially these days and thats very great thing.
Theres many cultures that are open about sexuality and have no probelem with it and has been a beautiful thing.
Also in many parts of europe the drinking age is any age and in those countries they have the least amount of probelems
The big serious probelems occur in countries that try to restrict alcohol/sexuality for example like america with its movie ratings and all kinds of restrictions and pointless controlling laws have the most amount of probelems.
I am Greek Orthodox and do you know how mad that would make me if they started to card people saying you have to be 21 and up to consume the body and blood of christ because it contains wine, or if they arrested the priest for giving comunion because hes providing alcohol to minors?!?!
Well you are allowed to have for like religious reasons, like on pass over i have at least 4 cups (yay pesach

jk) so in church you would still be able to have the blood of jesus? that sounds a little bit cannibalistic to me, but to each their own and no offense of course... it was just an observation i made... so anyway back to what i sorry was saying (sorry ADD

) so you would have no problem with that

From history we see that when any people or country become extremely lacking in moral they fall. Look at the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians and so on and so forth. Yes there are some African tribes that have women walking around topless and they are still around but they also probably are not as immoral as the empires were... I have more to say on this topic and actually think I'll write something up - though i doubt i would post here - about it but thats for another time.