Second chance for killer Today the Antwerp Court of Appeal condemned
Redouan S., the killer of driver Guido Demoor, to two years on probation.
With this the 19-year-old Moroccan killer gets away very easy.
In a few similar racial crimes earlier, a white killer, Hans Van Temsche, was sentenced to a life-long imprisonment.
The media called the acts of this murderer
"racist murders", which they indeed were.
In the same period, the same media (all Belgian Media is political correct) immediately dubbed another racist murder as the
a white man on a bus asked a gang of immigrant youth to stop shouting and harassing other people on the bus, he was beaten by six Moroccans. The autopsy report revealed that he died due the a stress reaction following the beatings, but refuses to acknowledge any connection between the beatings and the death of Guido De Moor.

A newsmagazine "Humo" even published an article claiming Demoor was a Neo-Nazi.
Victim becomes perpetrator in the view of Marxist Journalists.
Reversed racism of the worst kind.
The self-hating white EUSSR media Bolsheviks.
Today, the last one of the six murderers that was still in jail, is released.
Now in Belgium , our EUSSR judges feel that immigrants who murder deserve "a second chance"!
I take the bus too.
I don't know if I'll be alive next year, but I'm sure, if I'm killed by Muslims, Justice will find me guilty of racism and right-wing sympathies, andtherefore release the poor victims , who happen to defend themselves.
N.B.: Guido Demoor's family name literally means the Moor.
If he would have been a real Moor, he probably would have been alive today.