General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF For December 2 Broadcast

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What would you do about the Arabs that refuse financial compensation and refuse to leave Israel?


if somebody has a fast metabolism like you do, then what harm is it to have whole milk - lots of saturated fat. so what? A body with a high metabolism burns fat like fire burns paper.

suppose a very thin person has it and does not get fat, just less thin. Doesn`t that prove it? 

Dear Chaim (How are you? I am late this week!),

One thread that has arisen on the forum, Chaim, is an issue close to me and JTFers in Britain. That is the Islamif-cation of Britain. I see the U.K. turning into a Muslim country in the not to distance future, as Muslim Nazis are seen heavily outnumbering locals in many cities and towns – especially in urban, inner London.

Additionally, self-hating scumbags wear the kaffiyahe - the red or black Islamic symbol – in the form of scarf sort of attire. It is sickening to see people identifying with such a racist, genocidal and Nazi ideology.  Also on British busses, I see Muslim Nazi lies, with propaganda ads – by means of a slogan quote-unquote “Islam is peaceful”, with a cover up website ( address.  They prey on British ignorance, gullibility of this terrorist, supremacist and evil religion.


Hello Chaim,

I read somewhere that some Jews believe having an official "state", Israel is a curse upon the Jewish nation because it says in the Torah that the Jews must spread throughout the world. What do you make of this?

Thank You.

Dan Ben Noah:
Shalom Chaim,

When Ron Paul loses the Republican nomination, do you think he will run as an independent candidate?  If he does, do you think he would take more votes away from the Republicans or the Democrats?


Dan ben Noah


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