Barbie shouldn't be with a black man or an Asian man or any other man except her own race.
All white people should be with white people and blacks with blacks.
I can see by your posts that you are a real LIBERAL yes I said the word LIBERAL.
You just hate women and if I woman is independent and can pull her own weight she's no good and a slut and everything else. I guess you want woman to be like the Muslim woman are, stupid and treated like dirt by men. You just hate successful women and all women.
Let me take a guess here, you just stay at home and don't have any kind of job, can that be where your jealousy comes in?
I am an Army officer dopey, and not I am against Muslim women, only 1950 housewives, once again you can't read English. And I am Right Wing but since you can understand anything like the ****** you are its kinda pointless even trying to explain things to you. My dog has more understanding of culture than you.

Jealous of what? you

I am the founder of the Uncovered Meat League which is a womens group that defends womens rights, and allows them freedom and safe men like you that remove from them. That they can live a live without being sexually and physically abused.
Half of my League are men that help protect and support these women.
Many have gone on now to live normal lives, and I have personally paid for many to have reconstructive operations.
You see ****** thats what your IQ can never get around, I am a high profiled, rich WHITE woman, something you can never hope to understand or know.
But no!!! I am jealous of you coconut

A wannabe welfare parasite. Yes I can see that working for you.