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Shalom from Russia!
Sergei you really sound like a good patriot and some one who can be a great addition to JTF... we can learn more about what the Russian people really think about Putin and his policies of appeasement towards the Musslims.
Thank you! I am happy to be here. Russian society is very fragmented today and people with my ideas are a minority, but we grow. my family is from siberia, but i live in moscow for the last few years. everyone in my hometwon is very education oriented and very hard working and family oriented, it seems like a very liberal scene in moscow. there is a lot of corruption here and i feel the need to stomp it out in the future. a mother of two can't feed herself and her children so she gets fined for not paying taxes and goes to jail for not paying fines. a policeman takes bribes from people to let them off the hook for robbery, rape all kind of crap. I work in the interior ministry and im quite sick of it. after the USSR ended, we have been given a magnificent oppertunity to build such a great country, but all the wrong people are in power and they just seem to put us in backslide. lots of younger russians are leaving and who can blame them? i want to see a russia that we can be proud of and its a long was off but i hope to get there and see it
Welcome, Sergei.
May the number of righteous Russians grow and may Greater Russia's streets, rivers and fields run red with muSSlim blood.
Welcome! ;) I'm russian too, but I'm from Israel.
Kak Dila brat?
Smert chechensam!
Welcome to the forum :)
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