He does have a slick website on the video he looks like a homeless man who lives on the bowery [goldfasan you know what the bowery is] where drunks down on their luck live and beg people for money.If i saw him on street i'd give him dollar and say don'nt spend it on alcohol.
Yes Mord, that is his trick. He looks harmless and speaks nice, but he isn't. He is the German Farrakhan. His wife wears a nikab. It looks like a burka.
Go to the point "Aktuell" in the head-navigation list. He makes a lot of professional videoshows in mosques all over Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
I think his English show is the first step to the Anglosaxon world.

He is really dangerous. I have seen a lot of his shows and I can tell. The people of the western world have only less knowledge of the bible. He is spreading Christian and Jewish text-fragments into his preachings, like the messianic Jews do, in order to convert them. He is really successfull´with this.
You can find on his website a lot of videos with his "trophies".
He is all over youtube. Type in the search field "Pierre Vogel". You will not believe.