Good term.
Jew-hater david duke does the same with Zionists, he calls them Jewish supremacists.
Of course everybody can call their enemies what they want, it doesn't mean anything.
I as a Belgian White patriot have no problems with people that are fed up with multiculturalism and start hating foreigners.
It is purely self-defence! Gladly I see Jews are not so keen on muslims as well

But any serious movement must take care with the association "neo-Nazi".
Therefore I think a lot of right-wingers, are referring to cultural instead of racial differences.
At the other hand I think that it is no crime to keep your borders closed for people of other race, other culture,
I think it is no crime to forbid intermarriage to people inside your borders that are of different culture and origin.
Not to do so , results in allowing non-Europeans (Afr+Arabs) to take over by baby boom invasion.
If you want to call me a supremacist for defending my heritage, go ahead.