The way it works. Is if the people are to the right, they vote a Netanyahu - a tough talker. If they are to the left, they vote a Peres - soft talker.
They do the same thing. Just at different paces. When people are reluctant to give land, then only a Netanyahu can convince them to.
They are difference faces by which human controlling powers sell their plans on Israel.
There is one plan , that is to set up a palestinian state, and give land. Israeli Govt Ministers just adopt that same plan.
I heard him speak in a local shul/synagogue. At best, Netanyahu is somebody that believes that Israel must not reject American plans like Oslo. But within that framework, he wants what is best for israel - no palestinian state. So he said yes to Oslo and makes no apologies for that. But he tried to stall it as long as possible, with political manoeuvring that drove Clinton mad. His idea of reciprocity, that Israel cannot take a step another step until it gets something in return, that helped stall Oslo alot.
Nevertheless. The plan has chanced. Now the one plan is not land for piece. It is "unilateral withdrawal". Just give land. I think Netanyahu would go with that, he never rejects the plan. His website says something like, that Israel NEEDS support from an international coalition against terrorism. Perhaps he will accept America alone as support. No doubt America as a minimum.
Likud can be more dangerous than Labour. Because they can convince reluctant masses to give land. By talking tough.