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newbie from germany

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--- Quote from: EagleEye on November 29, 2007, 06:00:22 PM ---You are correct, I was talking to the other guy...

--- End quote --- a Serbian one,
who saw Serbia's Population reduce by ONE-THIRD
during WWII, because of the germans...

Haven't you seen
that I am stopping this conversation about germans,
since I don't want to argue with you,
at the risk of splitting JTFers
in "pro-germans" and in anti-germans...?


Keep on discussing with newbie...

...have fun.

You still don't get it.   ;D

My arguments stated explicitly...Germans wanted to spread their own bloodline, they did not see eastern Europeans as racial brothers, and therefore, would rather REPLACE them than rule over them.

Scandinavians, British, Germans, and Austrians were considered Aryan.  Eastern Europeans were not considered Aryan.

For the most part I think they had a distorted twisted socialist like view to spread German blood and conquer and convert the world, just like jihad, world conquest. I'm probably wrong but just a decent assumption I thought of.

The main difference is that Jihad is a religious view.  They want to convert people to Islam.  Germany had no intentions of "converting" non-aryans to Nazism.  They may have occasionally utilized alliances, but in the end, the intention was replacing them.

The Nazi-Germans in the time of the third Reich had a twisted ideology.

1. They wanted to rule over all Nations

2. They believed in a special form of slavery.

All slavic nations (not inclusive Croatians and Slovenes) should only get basic education. Just enough eductaion to serve the German masters.

For this goal, they killed the elites of this nations, like teachers, intellectuals, scientists, Clerics etc.

People who resisted, like the heroic Serbs should be exterminated.

3. They wanted to kill every Jew on the face of the earth. In 6 million cases, they succeed. :(

It is a fact, that only a few Germans resisted against this evil plan. The wasp majority of them supported the Nazis.

Today the wasp majority of Germans is supporting the Philistinians. Althrough they can see muslime behaviour in the German cities everyday.

Every sane human would support Israel and the free west, alone because of the personal expierience with moslems.

Every sane human would avoid muslimes.

Sometimes I think this is a mass psychosis :(


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