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newbie from germany

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--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 07, 2007, 10:28:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: newman on December 07, 2007, 10:11:21 AM ---Germans are still the same Jew-hating nazis they always were.

--- End quote ---

Some of them? I had a friend named Christoph who lived over there and he seemed like a great person. He did make me laugh one time by asking if I had a horse since I lived in Texas though.  ;D

--- Quote ---They hate Israel, support 'peace now', support p@lestinians and german firms supplied chemical weapons components to numerous muSSlim-nazi dictatorships.

--- End quote ---

America supplies all sorts of help to Muslim Nazi dictatorships, primarily Saudi Arabia.

Are Americans evil?

Blind hatred of an entire ethnic group is not healthy and can only lead to more atrocity. If you hate them as a people rather than simply hating the guilty ones, then how can you ever expect them to be fond of you?

--- End quote ---
That applies to the majority of them, not 'all' and not a minority. If the majority were righteous the governments would not be so anti-Israel.

What America does is babies' stuff compared to the evil germans. America backs Israel to the hilt in the UN....unlike neo-nazi germany.

I suggest you brush up on Jewish Law. When the majority of a nation or group are Jew haters one assumes ALL are Jew haters until an individual proves otherwise.

Secondly the sins of one generation ARE born by succeeding generations if those succeeding generations don't change their ways. Germans of today have NOT changed their ways, their MO is just different.


--- Quote from: newman on December 07, 2007, 10:35:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 07, 2007, 10:28:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: newman on December 07, 2007, 10:11:21 AM ---Germans are still the same Jew-hating nazis they always were.

--- End quote ---

Some of them? I had a friend named Christoph who lived over there and he seemed like a great person. He did make me laugh one time by asking if I had a horse since I lived in Texas though.  ;D

--- Quote ---They hate Israel, support 'peace now', support p@lestinians and german firms supplied chemical weapons components to numerous muSSlim-nazi dictatorships.

--- End quote ---

America supplies all sorts of help to Muslim Nazi dictatorships, primarily Saudi Arabia.

Are Americans evil?

Blind hatred of an entire ethnic group is not healthy and can only lead to more atrocity. If you hate them as a people rather than simply hating the guilty ones, then how can you ever expect them to be fond of you?

--- End quote ---
That applies to the majority of them, not 'all' and not a minority. If the majority were righteous the governments would not be so anti-Israel.

What America does is babies' stuff compared to the evil germans. America backs Israel to the hilt in the UN....unlike neo-nazi germany.

I suggest you brush up on Jewish Law. When the majority of a nation or group are Jew haters one assumes ALL are Jew haters until an individual proves otherwise.

Secondly the sins of one generation ARE born by succeeding generations if those succeeding generations don't change their ways. Germans of today have NOT changed their ways, their MO is just different.

--- End quote ---
Aren't there a lot of horrible left-wing self-hating Jews in Germany?
That support Peace now too?


--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 07, 2007, 01:25:17 PM ---
--- Quote ---That applies to the majority of them, not 'all' and not a minority. If the majority were righteous the governments would not be so anti-Israel.

--- End quote ---

If the majority of Americans were righteous, we wouldn't have abortion in this country. Yet, I still want to save my country, I want America to survive. I have national pride in the United States.

We're talking about anti-semitism. Why throw in red herrings like abortion. If you want to discuss private morality, no country stands scrutiny. Stay on topic.

--- Quote ---What America does is babies' stuff compared to the evil germans.

--- End quote ---

"How many? During the 1980s and 1990s total abortions stayed about 1,550,000 annually, slowly decreasing in the 1990s. Note that the Guttmacher Institute reported that 10% of known abortion providers did not report. Adding 10% to its 1,550,000 equals 1,700,000. The total reported slowly decreased in the 1990s. When the unreported abortions are added (income tax evasion, cover-up for privacy, etc.), a figure of 1,800,000 may be more realistic. Live births have hovered just under 4,000,000. Therefore: Almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by abortion."

A little more than 6 million, wouldn't you say? And that's just abortion.

What about all the other deaths that have occurred unecessarily due to the policies of the American government?

Oh and let's look at another country, shall we? How about Israel?

"In general, about 40,000 abortions are carried out in Israel every year. The Health Ministry approves about half of them, and private doctors perform the rest, without the supervision of the state and at the cost of thousands of shekels."

Should we now hate Israelis as a whole because of what some of them do to 40,000 innocent babies every year? I don't think so. Nor should we hate Americans as a whole.
See above. We're Talking about German anti-semitism

--- Quote ---America backs Israel to the hilt in the UN....unlike neo-nazi germany.

--- End quote ---

America pushes Israel to commit suicide. I wish we could get a president in that would just have America mind its own business and let Israel defend itself for once.
Yes. But check the UN voting records. No country but Australia and the Marshal Islands has supported Israel more than the USA for the last 60 years. I never said the US was perfect, but it beats the heck out of scheisser movie watching perverted, nazi-germany.

--- Quote ---I suggest you brush up on Jewish Law. When the majority of a nation or group are Jew haters one assumes ALL are Jew haters until an individual proves otherwise.

--- End quote ---

I'm not Jewish and I have no intention of living under Jewish law. However for those who are Jewish, shouldn't you remember that blind hatred of what SOME Jews did, or even false accusations of what SOME Jews might have done, which got transferred onto Jews as a whole, is what caused pogroms of various sizes? Why would you want to make the identical mistake that your enemies made in blaming the whole group for the sins of a portion of the population?

Your ignorance of the Bible leads to this sick moral relativism. Comparing informed hatred of an anti-semitic nation based on it's deeds with the totally unjustified pogroms proves that.

--- Quote ---Secondly the sins of one generation ARE born by succeeding generations if those succeeding generations don't change their ways. Germans of today have NOT changed their ways, their MO is just different.

--- End quote ---

Tell me, do you agree with affirmative action then?
NO. What's the connection?

--- End quote ---

Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.

Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.


--- Quote from: Golden Pheasant on December 07, 2007, 02:07:31 PM ---Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.

Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.

--- End quote ---
Thankyou, GP........and no offense to you. You're a righteous german with the courage to confront reality.

It's just that we have a Ron Paul, StørmFrønt appologist here srirring the pot.


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