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Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast

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dear chaim i have a question about your 7 step plan. i agree with the ideas but in your plan you said you wanted to stop all immigration even legal immigration. if america would have let more jews immigrate to america in the early 1940's more jews would have survived. and if america didnt let any jews  immigrat to america more would have died. what if righteous people want to come to america and live there leagaly are you still against that

Zionist Revolutionary:
What are your thoughts on the utterly disgusting and Satanic man Alfred Kinsey?

Shalom Chiam, kol tuv*? (thanks for the correction)

Being more specific on my question from last week, I would like to be a U.S senator, my goals would be to encourage Christianity back into the main stream, create the absolute highest standard of education, close our southern border, shut down affirmitive action, Hollywood filth and the ACLU. I would also love to follow through with your idea of sending all minorities back to their native homelands. Being that I live in Queens, I know I won't be able to run for any party with my values. I am only 22 this month, I know I have a long road ahead of me, but do you have any words of advise as to what I can do to start? And if I need to relocate, where can I go to advance my political views? (Take note: I prefer cold weather!)

Toda raba,

P.S - Thanks for the complement about Sicilians !

Dear Chaim,

I have been listening to you for years, since I was in High School.  You simply tell it like it is and set a great example.  I only wish more Jews shared your points of view.  Both Israel and America would be a much better place.  A few quick questions if I may.  Can you expound on your healthy eating and exercise habits?  I know you have referred to it on several shows.  Do you follow a specific and stringent set of guidelines within the Kosher dietary laws?  I am looking to get into better shape and would appreciate the advice. 

Also, as you have mentioned, the unfortunate fact is that many JTF listeners do not have the financial means to make significant contributions to the movement.  What else can we do?  I already have posted to several message boards and told most of my friends.  However, I was wondering if JTF supporters could form a more officiial group to help the organization try to achieve its goals.  Thanks for answering my questions and be well.


Good evening Chiam,

As I mentioned on another part of the forum, this past week I was out of town to the Jersey shores for the end of the summer thing and with some of my buddies we went to Atlantic City just to hang for the day.  We heard this strange noise under the boardwalk like someone is sick we walked up to the rail and is this black disgusting person (hardly a person a low life beast) and he is taking a crap under the boardwalk and covering it with sand. The first thing that came to mind what animals you see this on animal shows cause Gods creatures that are real animals that is part of the wild kingdom dont know any better. And yet Hollywood and the media make these false claims how blacks are such big brains and the kings and queens of civilization came from the Congo and when will we as a whole nation will stop lying to ourselves to make animals like this creature who took a dump under the boardwalk? Can you imagine this is what the elites in this country and the west make out to be the big genius, doctors, and that whitey is just too stupid? When will we stop lying to ourselves and start telling it like it is for a change?



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