Author Topic: Serbian old man Branko Despot killed in Croatia  (Read 3047 times)

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  • Master JTFer
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Serbian old man Branko Despot killed in Croatia
« on: November 22, 2007, 05:05:36 AM »

In the town of Benkovac, one of the largest towns of the former Republic of Serbian Krajina, the death body of the 63 year old Serbian returned refugee Branko Despota was found.

The research claims that the man was killed by an Iron object.
The perpetrators are not found. The Croatian authorities claim that the man was an alcoholic. The Croatian police mentions several cause of this case but avoids to mention that the cause could possibly be a consequence of hate crime.

This same year in the same town of Benkovac an other Serbian returned farmer had also to do with criminal behavior against him. He found poison in his own well.

Serbs are often attacked in Croatia,
especially on the territory of the former Republic of Serbian Krajina.


- - Croatian news report about this happening  - -

ISTRAGA U Kuli Atlagić kod Benkovca nađeno mrtvo tijelo Branka Despota (63)

BENKOVAC - U Kuli Atlagić, selu blizu Benkovca, preksinoć je mrtav pronađen 63-godišnji Branko Despot. Danas se zadarskim područjem pronijela vijest da je kod Benkovca tupim predmetom ubijen srpski povratnik, a takva je informacija stigla i do predstavnika SDSS-a, koji su jučer poslijepodne došli pred policijsku traku kojom je bila ograđena kuća u vlasništvu Branka Despota.

Predsjednik SDSS-a Željko Bajalica i njegov kolega Vaso Drča rekli su nam kako su čuli vijest da je Branko Despot ubijen tupim predmetom, no istodobno su rekli da o tome nema službene policijske potvrde.

Miran čovjek
Branko je bio miran čovjek, ni s kim se nije svadio, a ni tijekom rata, koliko znamo, nije bio politički ili vojno aktivan. Nedavno mu je umrla žena, a djeca su mu u trećim zemljama. Imao je i neke prijateljice u posljednje vrijeme, a bio je i sklon alkoholu  rekao nam je Vaso Drča.
Branka Despota u kući je prekjučer oko 19 sati pronašao njegov brat Petar, koji nije htio razgovarati s novinarima.

Istražni sudac Županijskog suda u Zadru Ante Anić jučer nam nije mogao reći kako je preminuo Branko Despot. Kazao je samo da su na bradi i sljepoočnici zamijećene porezotine i da će se obdukcijom utvrditi točan uzrok smrti.

Umro zbog pada?
Do zaključenja ovog broja policija nam nije rekla kakvi su nalazi s patologije zadarske Opće bolnice, gdje je navodno obdukcija već napravljena.

Stoga nam nisu ni potvrdili, ni opovrgnuli neslužbenu informaciju koju smo dobili pred zaključenje broja da je Branko Despot umro od akutne intoksikacije alkoholom, odnosno da je ozlijeđen zato što je pao, i da u Kuli Atlagić nije bilo ubojstva.

Source  17.11.2007


  • Master JTFer
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Re: Serbian old man Branko Despot killed in Croatia
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 05:29:32 AM »
The Croatians newspaper “SlobodnaDalmacija” claims that the Serbian man was not killed and that he died due consequences of drunk alcoholic behavior.

The Serbian representatives proclaim that this cause is probably a consequence of hatred toward the Serbs. In this area of Benkovac Serbs are often victimized.
Serbs are often under attacked in Krajina-towns and villages where they were the majority till 1995.

Remember that the election are now active in Croatia.
What happened back in 2005 during the elections?

Year 2005 - During the elections in Croatia -
A Serbian old man Dusan Vidic (81) was slaughter by a unknown man on this way to a local supermarket at his own hometown of Karin.   

---  Serbian News report about the murder of Dusan Vidic ---

« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 11:28:28 AM by DALMACIJA »