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Rick Santorum Defeated.


Rick Santorum the senator who along with George Wahabi Bush supported Arlen Spector over a real republican Pat Toomey in which Spector won by a hair. He likely would not have won without Santorum's and Bush's support. Due to this Spector became the speaker for Judicial nominee's due to seniority. (Someone tell me what the title is I forgot.) Anyway, Santorum did seem genuinely conservative in many area's but sadly politics came before principle in the Santorum's treason to real conservative values. Supporting a man who supports partial birth abortion and was going to have influence due to his seniority when Santorum claimed to be a pro life candidate is just unacceptable. I am glad Santorum lost and I would think his treason to his conservative base did him in. At least I hope that was part of the reason.

Rick Santorum lost for precisely the reasons stated.

When he supported Arlen Specter, a man with a long and well documented history of pro-abortion activity, his principled base was immediately incensed---and lost.  Santorum even made commercials for Specter saying "He's with us when it counts."  He stabbed his base in the back and he made no apology for it; made no attempt to make amends.

That single act shook his supporters from their stupor and a subsequent review of his public voting record revealed that he really wasn't as conservative as we'd been led to believe.  Fiscally, he was a disaster. 

His conservative reputation was highly over rated and undeserved.  Good riddance.

Arlen Specter routinely attacks conservative principles while telling his party to move to the center. He is so disgraceful.


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