Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Are Croats related to Iranians?
--- Quote from: serbian army on October 13, 2012, 10:53:21 PM ---Croats are Slavic tribe which had their own kingdom and all other conspiracy theories are nonsense. We had very good relationship with them until Austrians took over and made discord among Slavs by backing Catholics....
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There was no croat kingdom, that was just province ! Croats are not real nation! That what serbianarmy sales is just fake history propaganda of self-styled historians of Croatia. That crap was accepted in SFRY to reconciliation between Serbs and Croats, and for the so-called unity andbrotherhood. Of course, at the expense of Serbs and Serbia!
serbian army:
--- Quote from: crnitrn on October 16, 2012, 09:58:56 AM ---There was no croat kingdom, that was just province ! Croats are not real nation! That what serbianarmy sales is just fake history propaganda of self-styled historians of Croatia. That crap was accepted in SFRY to reconciliation between Serbs and Croats, and for the so-called unity andbrotherhood. Of course, at the expense of Serbs and Serbia!
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Ok, Croats are just imaginary nation, or better bunch of Serbs who did not like their name :laugh: Because you hate them does not mean they are nation without history and roots.
--- Quote from: serbian army on October 16, 2012, 05:42:33 PM ---Ok, Croats are just imaginary nation, or better bunch of Serbs who did not like their name :laugh: Because you hate them does not mean they are nation without history and roots.
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I don't hate them, but i will not allow fake history propaganda. You are clearly poor about history facts!
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