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Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

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David Ben-Ariel:
Hasn't our Great Creator God decreed designated borders for diverse nations to succeed?

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Yes, indeed.

But see: the modern white woman is like the latter-day Semiramis, she adores the black man and wishes to reproduce by him.

This is a profound spiritual evil that white people must sort out by themselves.

And by the way, you say Jews are white; well, they are not, because 'whiteness' is more of a social club than a racial group.  Caucasians are a race ... but 'whites' are a socially-constructed group which have historically excluded and even exterminated many Caucasians.

There is nothing wrong with interfaith or interracial marriages. segregation and bigotry has to go!


--- Quote from: jewishron on August 30, 2006, 09:56:05 PM ---There is nothing wrong with interfaith or interracial marriages. segregation and bigotry has to go!
--- End quote ---

I don't think there's anything wrong with interacial marriages... everyone likes something different. If an "American" Jew marries an "Ethiopean" Jew, then there's nothing wrong with that.

BUT... when you say "interfaith", I disagree sharply. Jews should only marry Jews. PERIOD. This effects children... will they be Jewish? It also prevents a kosher home. Jews should live by Torah, not by a bunch of popular social rules created from fantasy.



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