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Offline Sue C

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Killing of Israel Family
« on: January 27, 2008, 03:02:01 AM »
The Lie and it's backwards accusations of the Jews while cutting off each group by setting up others to 'investigate' after already getting rid of the murderers, multiple attacks (on myself).

The same Babylonian Church and Christians are at fault for killing Israel, and the crime coming on themselves; each century they follow this 'end times' and Biblical heresy by the church to kill off Jewry. This is what the Biblical "Reveleation' IS and was at that time. These crimes happened to me, around me, and affected me, and terrorist acts on me. We need Gilda Radner here for these purges! "You know You're so Special! You can take a bribe, get that big pay, that is until they use your enemy before the money hits your pocket"

All orders, all news,  all hirings, firings, indictment times, and for the  shell corporations, agencies, which are all purged are coming from top of racketeering. The groups set up to 'investigate' only after total firings, indictments, deaths, of the others.

At end of all indictments, they send in persons to 'clean up' gangsters whiel they set up a larger (business network) of crime for only this top.

Governors/Mayors already receiving crime residuals (over 50 governors/senators

City Politicians indicted for bribery to hold up oraganized crime; indicted to federal prison)

Military heads to be indicted at the larger end of purges

District attorney changed over again, 2006-7

Joint Terrorism Task Force head leaves; another set up after Gonzales and other change overs; radiation labs set up anew

Political Scandals, Senators in scandals continue

Some Gangster families indicted only after holding crime for many years on communities; CIA aligned indictments

Thousands of police, millions including deaths and shootings of police, and police chiefs indicted for helping CIA in crime, drugs

Canada is preparing for more serious outbreaks (2007-10) in U.S.; Israel gets more diseases, murders, disappearances, kidnappings, planes taken down, poisoned water, cancer from radiation crimes; New U.S. military personnel are set up with Canada.

Former NSA head, has new interview of how these immigrants and terrorists were coming in and states we need to 'learn Egyptian and other languages' to accomodate more crime

Judges murdered (19 by 2007)

Top Justice Dept. Official murdered, others already fired after taking bribes or indicted

Border guards indicted, murdered, those who wouldn't commit crimes fired
Judges indicted for taking the bribes; they let through trucks. These trucks were almost positively brought in before the massive 'truck accidents' on Jewish 'tour buses' and massive Jewish, Rabbi, car accidents, which took place in large, large sums, most being Chabad, Hillel jewish, Jewish experts, doctors, Rabbis, jewish who owned large real estate, Jewish going to weddings of course. Some are possible from being used in other countries wars, millitas, trained as 'CIA death squads' for other countries.

NSA head changed over

Radiation lab workers fired, again, some indicted for 'security' breaches or other

Radiation labs

Energy indictments and Energy workers retaliated on

Terrorist Scientists murdered again

Foreign Doctors Indictments

Military Announces 'war testing' on public and microwave weapons 'again' and 'again' and 'again' as NEW

DOW chemical on top of National Law

Attorney Firings

Gonzales Firing/resignation

Over 5,000 reporter deaths, reporters who were used in wars, conflict, in Israel and who went over seas, also being used as 'secret signatories' for 'scalar wars' on the public, 'military testing' so they will cover up the crimes as such.

By 2006, not kidding, reports continue flowing degredating Einstein while each day the top in 'war' racketeering used his study, and through patent departments, and now claiming it was an Italian who owned the patents, and we already know the FBI was given daily reports to follow him, murder if need be, and 'satanists' of Allister Crowley also folloed him; the jewish scientists were arrested around him and around the radiation crimes while none saw anything but death. Like myself, for 2,000 years, real jewish minds and study, scientists work is cut short, swiped away to be used in crime, and snake oil sales and massive crimes on the rest while blaming the Jews and each day surrounding Jewish people in crime, murder, while blaming what the Church does on them, including religous lies of aetheist heresy and cult heresy which comes from the Church.

Iran already had deaths of Jewish, murders, and they murder, take down helicopters of Israeli agents who were used prior and who would know what was next to take place on Israel; Iran Jews given AIDS like in Afraica; 'AIDS' for Jewish clinics with doctors who feign to be Jewish are set up; Doctors later indicted as the reports are 'given' to 'new' FBI (2005-7) for using non-helping placebos or other things to kill them. Same in U.S. and Israel. Has taken place since the inception of AIDS.

Each day, the Jews are blamed. So, every single thing that is done is blamed on the 'jews' from ancient days as to how they get rid of them. While millions of Jewish were run over, shot, poisoned, given plagues, sodomized by fruitcakes in Illuminati and other areas, (See Jewish survivors of rape and sodomy by Roman Catholic satanic/Jesuits) and given aids, they are all blamed. This has taken place worldwide for 80 years now and ony increasing because the others in brainwashing want to keep following the daily crimes on Jews.

Daily 'hate' wars agitated by news; mind controls to have Jewish' fight against other Jewish 'for Israel' or help in crime on Islam; theya re indicted anyway and ahve been for years so the media can report "Jews" as terrorists; In Israel, they threatened young Jeiwsh men every day that if they didn't commit crimes on Palestinians or help in the wars, they too would be killed, but they got indicted as well; either way; those who committed no crimes got fake psych evals if they were really Israeli and from Jewish lines. All over the contry, and Israel, massive accidents, deaths, murders of Jewish take place. Jewish children run over.

Mass airplanes taken down; emergency workers, military workers used overseas, corporate jets, attorneys, governors, 5,000 U.S. Ebassy workers in sunami; Israelis worldwide

Daniel Pearls, journalist, letter to Los ALamos Labs and regarding Clinton and being oversease gets him killed. Los Alamos, Chinese workers, espionage agents with FBI gangs are indicted; they set up new FBI and espionage; many are still being hunted down for death; one Japanese espionage and war leader in U.S. run down in 2006.

Ongoing patent attorney murders as they set up weapons, radiation and other implants through FDA as 'NEW' Israeli military and IDF killed and set up new agents for 'new' weapons while changing over radiation labs by 1999 and then again in 2007.

Israeli Mossad sees firings and murders; Israelis continued having home invasions, attacks, bus bombings all under satellite, Israeli intelligence arrested for giving 'right' information

Major Park Interior Firings take place as money rolls through, from Pentagon, used in weapons on Israel and real Israelis end up dead, radiated, on the street, by teh time Israeli gangster indictments take place; Israeli police head resigns only in 2007. One after the other are murdered and then killings of those covering it up or around them.

They hire terrorists at the airports in England, Russia, U.S. and run drugs; using automated airplanes in some cases for terrorizing; air crashes continue; they have coporate owners committing crimes based on the 'your special' idea and use someone else to have them taken down as a criminal anyway. The 'NEW' FBI later are 'given' the crimes, persons, and story on who to indict in airport terrorism.

White House Mass Firings; top set up before and after radiation and other purges, firings, deaths from top to bottom and to top again.

The air control persons and Jewish linked to air tower are murdered, fired, reatliated on to set up new sprayers

They set up millions as 'informants' in financial and information stealing areas; indict them for getting them to commit crimes which brings the country broke, fraud, paperwork changing; computer crimes; this is done in Israel too. "You know, you're 'special informant' and you can do this to that person." They use millions in crime and harassment and then indict them under the gangs.

They continue with CYBERWARFARE CRIMES ON THE PUBLIC; all linked to Vatican as well, change over cyberwarfare in each country in 2007, adding Christians 'new' to Bible and Torah in Israel who have no clue; to only continue the onward march to killing the rest of Jewry since they have no clue.

HAARP, Microwave out of Alaska is announced again as 'NEW' and they set up all new people in crime

The EARLY CENTURY PLAGUES are sent out from places in New Orleans and then Katrina hits; it is reported the plagues got 'lost' in the mail and were 'sent by UPS' (2005, regular news and on Art Bell and other radio shows)

They use the unions and fire departments in crime, COVER UPS; some trained in 'what to do' when approaching radiation victims, victims of crime to cover it up; after purging all other agencies by 2007, many having been murdered, including in NY. set up 'new' fire and ambulance and pass along 'new' lies for having them continue in crime. Ambulance also working with CIA police. (deaths and continued notices to fire workers, fire workers, and unions by 2007 put on 'watch lists' themselves as to be tightly watched and cotnrolled)

Israeli emergency workers asked to go overseas to help sunami and other victims are being murdered, planes taken down.

Doctors with emergency surgery, emergency medicine, heart specialties, radiation, vituses, mostly Jewish are murdered; engineers, many linked to engineering, mines, bridges, professors in grant areas to place new grants and new personnel and to block any notice of radiation/weapons crimes. Israeli doctors and scientists murdered. Israeli space shuttle scientists, those linked to NASA formerly as Bush set up everything in his name and a few others. Other Israeli and Jewish Americans in science are murdered.

Millions of studies already done through army corp of Engineers, and biochemicals, IEEE on brains, including Jewish, radiation cancers and illnesses all coming about; including years of study on brains to 'find' cause of dimentia; all of these 'diseases' created just happen to become enmasse on the public as a real disease after setting up the ficiticous 'population control' with WOrld Health Organization; those linked to former 'studies' are murdered whic includes everyone from scientists, to military (Olsen case); top military to attacks on agents, vietnam vets, military intel, doctors;

Chemical corporations changed over, indictments during some, fires in New Jersey on corporations and other areas
"New" weapons and technology 'study' on public set up by 1999
More Wars on Israel, hand in, Israelis out, another hand in situation; Africa ongoing with purges, deaths, wars, and chemical corporations destructons and indictments of police, FBI, national police Chiefs, UN police, military heads, and more crime and drug operations are set up; linked to crime on Israel; deaths of Rabbis, Jewish in Egypt and Africa

Murders of FBI agents who committed crimes around bribes takes place; Jersey where many Jewish deaths took place and false arrests.

They have the police round up homeless persons around 2001

While this is taking place, they are daily speaking of the 'past holocaust' doing the same damn thing; and digging up Jewish from under cities, burried in forests; the Washington Sharp-Shooters were part of groups brought in and around the nation there were bombings of Jewish centers, and shootings of Jewish, the Washington area snipers to divert attention. they then have the "NEW" FBI agents handed the crimes again, and tell them to 'investigate' and arrest certain persons.

Millions of "Jewish food portals' are set up but millions are gone; in Israel Jewish on the street; forced conversions of Jewish to "Christianity' and "Messianism" while they make money converting Christians to Islamic, Satanic, and other 'forms' of supposed Judaism or "Jewish" religions. The Christians and Dhimmis, satanists, 'Illuminati' (all highly auto-response programmed) are helping the 'poor' and the 'ill' from the crimes out the door.

They hire skinheads, racists, KKK, foreigners, in our own militaries; including Israel, and security, claiming 'shortage of qualified' and have FBI 'investigate' after many deaths using weapons on persons who aren't terrorists and by 'grants' for DARPA and other agencies. (Newspaper clippings as fact) especially from 2001 to 2007.

As the fraud line, and bribe line comes down, the Jewish people are accused since the money comes from the top. Everyone is forced in line of bribery and indicted.

Millions of real Israeli women and children family lines are killed, taken from russia, U.S., South America by the slight of hand, trips, plane trips without parents, parents murdered while the children go, young put into prostitution. Others taking bribes around immigration are indicted or killed in planes, murdered, etc. Canada announces 'Jewish prostitution' under the Celtic Roth running this Canada as U.S. Judge. But, Canada, is having mass murders of Jewish.

Death Ships arrive off the coasts, announced by U.N.

From 1999 to present, there is set up 'Jewish" crises centers, poverty centers, homeless centers, social apartments for elderly discriminate on through immigration by age to be isolated from the young; they are hit agein with weapons 'studies' Emergency workers take them out to death. Elderly homes

Mortgage fraud in all areas continues, millions upon millions lose their homes while the 'financial crimes' divisions are then 'given' the information for indictments, federal crimes, but those who lost businesses and homes are forced into shelters and on the streets, or death

FInancial fraud by attorneys, to Energy, to Electric coops, businesses of every type takes place and the money runs to top.

World Bank changeover of head, leaders, workers for running new USAID reconstruction after destruction; Scandals and firings through mass fraud from 2002-2006.

USAID, World bank indictments; setting up DUBAI and other new construction deals; changeovers and heads for each country.

World Health Organization changes, firings, murders
U.N. murders and firings at top and those used in conflict

World Health organization disseminates 'Population Control' Plans of which are ficiticous and only those who are intelligent are getting killed and those in the way, and then those used in crime, bribery

New Attorney General

Energy Indictments at the top Enron, take place and ongoing firings and indictments in this area

Vietnam Vets still set up for more radiation; Veterans Homes and Veterans Affairs goes through indictments, firings, and they set up even more crimes of 'testing' on military
Jewish Centers continue being bombed in S. America, Russia, and weddings, where real Israelis are attending; Israeli army continues having 'suicides' and are forced into sabotage; Mossad sent on goose chases just to help Hilliary and Bill in drug running and actually covering up weapons deals on Jewry.

Massive immigration of mexicans, businesses offered tax breaks for hiring them and in 2006-7 are indicted; thousands of Mexicans and other Eastern, Egyptian, and others used in terrorism, crimes are indicted after
the WACO thing; Clinton gets sex scandal, impeachment trials; FBI agents turned over again

Doctors sign 'collaboration' under Clinton for radiation crimes; bosnian Jews continued being killed and other earlier Jewry in Iraq (from 1100-2000 families) while they 'air lift' and make scenes of 'saving' Jews who are linked to Saudi oil buddies.

Mass daycare indictments; neglect, pedophiles, criminals; school administrators including in Jewish dayschools, by this time, had used many for years who were not really Israeli or Torah, but Dhimmi/satanic pedophiles. (Hillel, Masonry, Babylonian Talmud, synagogues with satanist, pedophiles, were used against Israelis in ancient days by the church as part of the daily putting in lie and taking out lives until final dispersal and wrecking under King Herod with nations)

FEMA set up; indictments in FEMA fraud from 1990's to present
Mass murders begin taking place using all religous, politically programmed groups; they are all programmed to imagine an 'enemy' of attack, including political or propaganda 'enemies', i.e. the socialists to kill/destroy capitalists (who they used against bankers)

"New" laws for using 'business as 'informants'; they set up 'terror' wars, hate crimes, using criminals, attacks, radiation, attacks, fake phone calls, and threats through phone lines, fake investigations; then fire the first round or those used as in the anthrax sent to us indicted; the victims who survive then get the next round of crimes on them; each time, the crimes get worse as a survivor

New "Bio-Ethics" Committee running for 'studies' on public
Attorney murders in 2001 to 2007, patents, defense, and prosecuting

NSA head changed over

'SAGE' SET UP UNDER Majestic 12, Rockfeller, Bush crime family, Clinton, are then sent to courts to inquire about 'genocide' under NSA

New FBI set up under Mueller, Major FBI firings, indictments, former FBI agents killed, harassed; FBI is told to 'ignore' victims until all purges and indictments of murderers and bribe lines indictments, and changovers of shells of corporations and agencies, CIA. They killed Jewish with Interpol in every country. Mob and FBI indictments then take place together.

Iraqi Scientists, also linked to other scientists used on Israel for many years, satanic and others, including those from Italy are murdered separately (Israelis who came down sick from these earlier wars are also murdered, suicided, killed, attacked, found in water)

New CIA, major firings, indictments to change over; Goss later used someplace else after other changovers

Other attorney and district attorney, govnernors, Wellstone deaths
District attorneys changed over (Delaware indictment of Capano)
CIA nationwide memory dissolution, psychic suppression, and 'Ent Times' and 'Christian' "Messianic" stereodrome (1992 to 2001)

Each month, they continue announcing that Israelis are going to Israel and tell them to, in fact sell them homes, but still accuse the Israelis of having an 'illegal state' and kill off the real Israelis replacing them with NOT Israelis

Those at the top profits (directly involved in everysingle area and media, arguments, wars, weapons deals, alien front, all of it) announce over 25 times from this point forward, that 'skinheads' are in Israel killing Jewish people; and they then set up Scientology and Illuminati in Prisons; killing fields; an incinerator blown up in 2006-7 hiding evidence of who was in there. There would have been over 10 million Israelis by 1990, daily still killing them, they sent another 20 million to Israel and then again in 1999, claimed that Israelis were leaving Russia; while murdering real Israelis, they simply kicked out these other criminals.

SCIENTOLOGISTS TRAINED TO KILL (HIGHEST FRUITCAKE PROGRAMMING, SPLIT BRAINED, SPLIT PERSONALITIES, AREA 51, VATICAN, LEVELS OF INNER AREAS AND HIGHER PROGRAMS LIKE MASONS); Many murdered before next round of wars (2001 after spraying court case and Ms. Shwarz who was linked to the kidnapping and L. Ron Hubbard who took many court cases agaisnt U.S. and Post Office claiming another holocaust was coming); Vatican's Medjugorge 'Visionaries' announce a holocaust 'coming'(1999) (it actually never ended but is increasing as only racketeering and crime).

SCIENTOLOGY goes to court over congress law on spraying. "Illuminati" who imagine seeing and hearing 'the dead' are set out to spray over cities; multiple criminals are used on jewish communities; many are sent to Israel and killed.

The Church sets up Mormon 'prophecy' of End Times again. Unsolved Mysteries airs show of 'spraying out the last plagues' over Oregon. Oregon, CA, Jewish persons begin having more murders.

SCIENTISTS MURDERED ONGOING used to create anthrax, viruses and chemicals for spraying

CIA used in nationwide conflict inducing sTEREODROME (1992 to 2001)


Carol Leventhal reatliated on for reporting Immigration crimes

There were over 30 million Jewish people and would have been more before 1920. They were 'studied' on every single day, given plagues, changes to DNA, while killing them to present, each time the mormon church being used for the identity theft, changing of names, deaths, births, and adding Jewish names to help the coming Egyptian 'End Times' on Israel again. Each day, however, they put their hand in, take more out from Jewry, kill them. For 2,000 years, they steal all intelligence from Jewry, add another spy who is not Jewish and add wars, religious changes, forced pogroms, forced political campaigns, all supposedly for 'social redemtpion' while the Christians follow right along with the killings and want something done about the crimes.

These crimes of using gangster syndicates are in order and indictments also in Israel from the time the state is set up; radiation and all.

The Israelis are finally kicked out of Israel by the time Yeshua, speaks out about the changes creating the final 'End Times' there, and setting up King Herod with the Arab wars, using spies by the nations, and the 'synagogue of satan' which is the opposite of rel Torah as we see now again. The Christians continue to follow the same Biblical, daily, wars and crimes and End Times each century. All cults are run by the Church and satanism as the front to racketeering.

For 2,000 years, they add to the shell CRIME BASE, with now thousands upon thousands of businesses you didn't have in 2,000 B.C., like insurance and insurance related entities, the stock market at the top to visualize the crime, war, money. Now, over 4 bilion worldwide in spies, then indicted as such. All corporations indicted for putting out plagues but the corporations continue as shells, new ceo's and hires.

They slowly cut off real Israelis and replace with Christian gangsters (after many marriages of Catholic, masonic into real Torah jewry, the Jewish are cut off and the others have the names and money at the top from wars) with "Jewish" names and who were cut into Jewish family lines after many murders, and those in other 'forms' of Judaism added from 1900 thorgh Labor and mobs
Mormons keep names and death certificates from 1900's to 2000, and recreate "Jewish" names, certificates, as Christians in gangster syndicates and set up "End Times" with CIA and false prophets throuhgout the Empire
From 1920, after cutting off Torah, and rounding up real Rabbis they continue with Allister Crowely and CIA, Mueller in FBI to weed out real Jewry in Alaska, Russia, Croatia, Africa, Egypt, South America, Cuba, Israel leaders, and U.S., and replace

1600 to 2000, the U.S. set up as Empire, drug Empire, Warrior of the world, armies, agencies build, for England now as 'Egypt' and 'Arab' for the coming final war on Israel. The Princess after killing, and other plagues in mid centuries, kicking out the Israelites/Jewish from 1200-1600 England, High masonry, satanism, Illuminati groups, Church controlled is set up as the new Princess marries the Prince of Greece.

The exact missing information in the brains, from scientologies highest killers, to satanic cults, voodoo priests, and all cults and the dumb was specifically figured by using the KGB (Mossad trained while cutting off real Israel almost at the time of forming the Mossad and ongoing), the top being highest programmed, and all together makes for killing Jewry, used one after the other; it necessitates hunting down intelligence or those who do not follow the wars on the 'Jews.' Each day, these wars are exact and roll on; one 'investigating' the last used; and compounded since many are used, but in exact order, i.e. over 10,000 murderers, FBI agents used in crime, killer informants, and on a specific day, the 'new' agents for 'investigating' being given the 'arrest information.' Thousands of cases can be cited, like Israeli journalists.

The gangsters from before 2,000 B.C. use every group as a shell for running racketeering crime, King of Babylon discusses with Daniel how he is going to wreck Israel; have many reichs and run the same daily wars under the Roman calendar and groups, religious groups, creating cults, wars, rhetoric, apologetics, and fake prophecy, and Daniel rips his clothes, knowing that Israel will be ruined, taken over. this was discussed by Moses, and Joshua who continued telling them once they give up the land, or go along with the daily changes for political and religious gains of Babylon and Egypt, the nations, that they will only continue being slaves to racketeering and crime.