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--- Quote from: fjack on September 02, 2006, 04:37:10 PM ---I saw two transit 'workers' working on the subway platform on Jay Street. They could not figure out how to take out the screws that held the cover on. Then one of them starting screaming obsenities at the object in an effort to scare the screws out. The screws did not come out no matter how many mf's he muttered. The problem was, I think, that the screwdriver he was using was not the right size so that it chewed up the screw head.

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When I lived in Queens many years ago I used the 7 line ( now called the Orient Express)for a time to get to work. I use to marvel at how ancient  everything was however it all worked. The people who were transit workers in them days were mostly Irish German or Italian for the lack of a better way to put it they were white. They kept the system up with minimal expense to the city. Most of that era of worker is gone now and what replaces them is a mess. The city has updated many of the lines however the system is less and less reliable. If you see the currant breed of transit worker classic example starting with their leader Roger Toussaint you start to see the root of the problem. Black affirmative action employees who expect large pay for low ability. I have been told by people who work in the TA that their are still some white supervisory people around and thats what is keeping the system going.

Mayor Nagin of New Orleans is the most racist (he ONLY likes blacks), white hating, anti-semitic piece of human garbage. I wish he had drowned in the last flood that he helped cause.

And for them to vote the idiot back in just shows you mentality of the blacks in New Orleans. What a bunch of sick and filthy morons. G-d punished them because they were evil and disgusting (especially with their explicit and wasted mardi-gras parades and casinos).


--- Quote from: jeffguy on September 07, 2006, 11:34:55 AM ---Mayor Nagin of New Orleans is the most racist (he ONLY likes blacks), white hating, anti-semitic piece of human garbage. I wish he had drowned in the last flood that he helped cause.

And for them to vote the idiot back in just shows you mentality of the blacks in New Orleans. What a bunch of sick and filthy morons. G-d punished them because they were evil and disgusting (especially with their explicit and wasted mardi-gras parades and casinos).

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The baboon mayor could not possibly have drown he left his constituents to fend for themselves. he took off to higher ground. You are exactly right when you call New Orleans blacks sick filthy morons. They were well warned to leave they figured the water would never come in as it did and they would be free to loot at will. I can still remember watching  them filthy beasts splashing around in knee deep water. The more malevolent ones going from store to store  looting life sustaining items such as TVs and 20 pairs of jeans. The shame is some innocents such as the elderly who could not escape the storm  were relying on mayor Nagins help sadly they were waiting in vain. The looters and more fit should have picked up the ball where local government droped it. But that would be what normal humans would do.

And the babboons in his city voted for him again even after his incompitence shown from Katrina. 


--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on September 07, 2006, 08:12:12 PM ---And the babboons in his city voted for him again even after his incompitence shown from Katrina. 

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Yes they did and correct me if I am wrong the fellow who was running against him was white and looked as if he was competent. What would them baboons do then if an honest competent official gained office. They could not have that it wouldnt be "d" chocolate citay" then


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