The jews are still waiting for the messai
and i dont follow the Torah
I know who the messai is
and on his 2nd time back the jews,muslims,and the rest will witness and know who he is
Jesus Christ will come back for his people the jews and the rest that will believe
And he will be coming back very soon
Yes newman the ones that still wont believe after they see will suffer horribly for eternity!!!
In that sence you are right newman
These two posts are really annoying and objectionable. They are pure missionizing, and anti-Semite threats. You are in danger of a BANNING.
How is this possible? A Christian comes to say that anyone who doesn't belive in Jesus will suffer in eternity, and he's tolerated!!!!! I just said, I myself believe in Gerizim and many got angry!!!!
You, Newman, warned a Christian who was rebutting the Koran, not to use Christian scripture here, and now do nothing against Iron? He has just said that those who don't accept Christ will suffer for ever!!!!! I was confused about Christians, but now I am beggining to accept that many are as evil as Arab Jew-haters!!!!!!!
Hello Raul,
you blame the teachings of all major christian groups. I personally know no christian confession, which is teaching, that there is no need to accept Jesus as savior.
Some modern left theologicans say that Jesus died for all people. This is called "universal reconciliation". But I think this has no basis in the "New Testament".
In my personal opinion are there two stronger points for the continuity of God's covenant with his people.
A. God said, that this covenant is eternal.
B. History proves it. There is no nation, that passed over 30 centuries and is still existing.
But if you say, that Christians today are as evil as the Muslime Arabs, you have lost your sense of reality.
There is today no missionary, that comes to you with a weapon and tells you: Death or Christianity. The most radical Christians, which are trying to evangelize Jews, like Watchtower Society and other morons are pacifists. You can tell them simply to leave. Try this with a real Muslime.
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