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Ask JTF For December 16 Broadcast
Dan Ben Noah:
Shalom Chaim,
Since you are against the war in Iraq, I was wondering what you think should be done with the troops. If they are removed, it will lead to chaos in the region and terrorists will declare victory. Should they be removed right away, or should something else be done with them? Should Congress continue funding?
Dan ben Noah
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Dearest Chaim,
On an old Ask JTF, you pointed out that women in the Tanach tended to stay grounded in the ways of G-d when the men went astray or became defeatist, and in general were more right-wing than the men. How come the opposite is true today? Women today are noticeably more left-wing than men as a general rule on issues such as race, crime, Islam, guns, and welfare. I don't believe this is biological, so would you explain it by feminazi brainwashing?
It's pretty common knowledge that every black male predator's desire is to get a jury of primarily women, even if they are white.
(The one exception is abortion, where consistently men, particularly young men, are more in favor of baby-murder.)
Can you give us an update on what Noam Federman is up to now? Some of us English-speakers don't hear his JTF show.
Thanks and keep up the good work! God is blessing you!
Shalom Chaim,
Of the 2 democratic frontrunners, Obama and Clinton, who would you like to see win the democratic nomination? I would like to see Obama win because I think that the Republican nominee will have an easier time running against Obama.
Thank you,
Yacov adds: I would rather see Hillary win because if G-d forbid, The Democrats would win in November, I'd much rather have a white President than a black Muslim President.
Greetings Chaim. Do you believe that freedom is a universal value, as President Bush asserts, or do you believe that some cultures are capable of freedom and others are not? For example, is it even possible for there to be an Arab democracy?
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