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Ask JTF For December 16 Broadcast

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Hello Chaim

A concern I have for the elections is the idea of a North American Union, and most people don't even know what this is and what impact it will leave for this country.  How can we stop such a nightmare?   This country will fall in the same trap of European nations have and we all are witnessing the disaster in Europe from having the One World Agenda.  How can we stop this insanity?  Bush wants to push this and both party candidates are not bringing this up too much.  If any are its the candidates that do not have a shot at all.

Shalom Chaim

Is David ben Moshe a U.S. army veteran? Can you tell us something interesting about him?


Dear Chaim, can you please explain to me more about Israel's political position on Kosovo?  Thank you.

Shalom Chaim,
Thanks to you and others who have posted and uploaded pictures of Gedolei Doreinu Harav Meir Kahana zichroynai tzadik vkadosh livrachah on all different websites. I have collected most of them and now have around 50 – dating back from early pictures to most of the other ones in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s.

Hi Chaim

I'd like to ask you about tax this week, you often suggest that all tax is bad, however, if there is no tax, what would support the army? The fire-service? The police? The prisons? Surely some tax is necessary, or we cannot have a civilised society. (I'm not trying to suggest that the society that we live in at the moment is civilised...)



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