Author Topic: VOTE MIKE HUCKABEE FOR PRESIDENT  (Read 1658 times)

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Offline SaveJudeaandSamaria

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« on: December 13, 2007, 03:05:51 PM »
I drafted this article a few days ago, and added some points from Chaim Ben Pesach said in his recent videos. I am sending this to my email list and so should you.

Dear American Friends,

I want to endorse MIKE HUCKABEE for President of the United States, for two main reasons.

REASON 1 - He will invest in, and make sure to, achieve ENERGY INDEPENDENCE in 10 years.
This is the single most important issue for America & Canada's survival. We all know how many billions of dollars America pays Islamic fundamentalist nuts in exchange for oil. This is bad because:

1) OPEC is quickly reaching Peak Oil, which means that the rate of available daily oil supply (measured in millions of barrels per day), is quickly slowing down (reaching its peak). For example, once Saudi Arabia reaches Peak Oil, then if it supplies the world 15 million barrels of oil per day (10% of daily world consumption) at full capacity (i.e. it pumps as much water into its wells as it can in order for the oil to spurt out), then in a month it will only be able to supply 14 million per day, and so on, and the prices will start to quickly rise. Everyone understands the danger of being over-reliant on Saudi oil in such an inevitable scenario.

2) It gives the haters real power and weapons to do what they dream of most - conquer the West, impose radical Islam, and Itbach al-Yahud (slaughter the Jews). Disclaimer: I do not want to discriminate against Muslims. I know many good Muslims. I am talking about fundamentalist Muslims are in control of oil reserves and fund terror groups.

3) When America's reliance on OPEC decreases, it will still need oil. Guess who will be their main supplier? Canada!

REASON 2 - He is a devoted supporter of Israel

It is a major point in Huckabee's platform that he is dedicated to strengthen relations with America's most important ally - Israel.

Many people think the Bush administration is good for Israel. This is simply not true. Bush's foolish policy of spreading democracy in the Middle East has only led to the spread of Islamofascist regimes. Democracy is a double edges sword - good for peoples  interested in achieving personal financial independence, getting a nice house and creating a nice life; they are then motivated to work and pay taxes. In places where people are poor, begrudged, helpless, oppressed, full of hatred, and traditionally Muslim, fanatic movements rise that scapegoat "the enemy" (especially if he's Jewish, but also if they are another Muslim sect) and unite for the common cause enemy's destruction (which usually means genocide). People in such places are more motivated to spend their day riding around on jeeps with AK-47's and RPG's. We saw this in Europe in the 1930's and we see it in the Middle East today.

Bush foolishly removed Saddam Husseing who, it turns out, was no real threat. Israel has had destroyed his nuclear reactor in the 1980's and since then, he had nothing new in terms of WMD's. He held Iraq together, and prevented sectarian chaos that breeds international terrorism. The Iraq war strengthened Iran, who do have WMD's (even today), are developing nuclear fuel, testing long-range rockets, and have a nuclear program already in place to put the two together. It also has control over much of Iraq.

Bush is also the first American President to suggest a two-state solution, effectively destroying Judea and Samaria, dooming West Bank Jewry and killing Israel's link to its history in the land. This would turn life in Israel physically unlivable (with rockets exploding in all major population centers and the airport), and spiritually meaningless (with the most idealistic, patriotic and thrifty segment of Israel's population turned into battered refugees). It will also be a disaster for secular Palestinians on whom a strict and brutal Islamic regime will be imposed. A much better and humanitarian solution is the Israeli Initiative, under which Israel will work with the international community for solutions to 1948 and 1967 Arab refugees, dismantle UNRWA, and engage Jordan to cooperate in counter-terrorism.

Governor Mike Huckabee will stand behind the Israeli initiative. He has told Wolf Blitzer of CNN that he is opposed to an Israeli territorial concessions of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and the Golan Heights, both essential for Israel's survival. Yes, Israel is presently controlled by Kadima, a party who is completely aligned with the Bush administration and disregards the Israeli public, but  Israelis have realized their fatal mistake in electing an incompetent group of people, and will vote more wisely in the next election.

Finally, here's my personal message to Americans:

Do not vote Giuliani. Do not be fooled by his celebrity fame, thinking that he has a chance to be elected. Bush was elected on the Bible Belt vote, and many Bible believing Christians in America will not support a Socially Democratic candidate. The majority of Americans are conservative, but when both candidates are liberal, the Democrats have a better chance.

Steer clear of Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. Avoid them like wildfire! They are a disaster to America and Israel. Yes, Iraq was a mistake, but pulling out now will open a Pandora's box towards America's demise. They will both tie Israel's hands behind its back and force it to go back to Auschwitz lines; They will not be affective in stopping a nuclear Iran; and they will continue a policy of appeasement which will drive us to World War III.

Please, please, don't be fooled with 'peace initiatives'. They always lead to the opposite - war. If you believe in Jewish values, especially that of true peace, שלום, then you should know that peace is a reward we get when we work hard, when we give charity, and when we build a strong Israel. Israel government's foolish chasing of peace is like a child begging his mother to give him candy - trying to negotiate with her, crying, and trying to pay her part of his allowance - instead of doing what she expects of him - cleaning up his room!

We often sing the following words:

עושה שלום במרומיו
הוא יעשה שלום עלינו
ועל כל ישראל
ואמרו אמן.

The maker of peace in the heavens, He will bring peace upon us, And upon all of Israel, And say Amen.

We must not steer away from these ideals. Initiating peace is simply not on our job description! Let us fulfill our duties in this life, and the rest will fall in place, perfectly!


Montreal, Canada
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Offline Dan

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« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 03:17:29 PM »
This a Wonderful Letter, Shai!   O0

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 10:41:19 PM »
amen, darn peace initiatives have always lead to war, Oslo Peace became Oslo War, Will Annapolis Peace become Annapolis War?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2007, 07:48:57 PM »
I can support Huckabee.

But, he will not behave any differently than did George W. Bush once he has taken the Oath of Office.

How quickly those forum members here forget that George W. Bush promised to recognize Jerusalem, promised to end America's involvement in "nation building", and promised to make America less dependent on foreign oil through a crash program of research into hydrogen and other alternative energy sources.

Exactly one week after George W. Bush received a thundering ovation for promising energy alternatives, Bush's Republican majority ended funding for all research into alternative energy sources.

The United States Government once promised the freed Negro slaves that each would receive 40 ACRES AND A MULE.

The descendants of these slaves are still waiting, and anyone who actually believes that Huckabee will stand with Israel once he's President is in for the most rude awakening.

Unless a miracle occurs, there currently is no energy source available to America which can substitute for oil; this is because all of our medicines, all of our chemicals, and all of our agricultural needs are 100% reliant on oil.

Even if our transportation and travel needs to maintain the most complex economy in the world were met with a substitute for oil imports, there would remain no substance yet known for producing fertilizer, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, clothing, etc. .

Oil is the only substance known which is essentially  "100% energy efficient" in terms of the amount of energy required to obtain it vs the output of energy produced by oil.

With each passing day, the financial cost in terms of energy required to procure and process petroleum (which itself requires the use of oil) is quickly beginning to surpass the energy which we can obtain from the oil itself.

Even more ominous...The United States must have more and more oil each day, while Communist China and India are steadily demanding an ever larger oil supply with which to fuel as well as sustain their rapidly growing economies.

Short of a true miracle taking place, the frightening reality of our situation is that it is already too late to begin searching for alternatives.

Even if such a miracle should occur, it would require an almost 'overnight' complete and total overhaul of our industrial and agricultural production methods in order to utilize a new energy source different from petroleum.

Just so long as the United States of America is deeply involved in the Middle East; be that with troops on the ground, with ships in the sea, or simply diplomatically, the United States will continue full steam ahead with its demands for Israel to commit suicide.

Offline SaveJudeaandSamaria

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« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2007, 08:37:55 PM »
Short of a true miracle taking place, the frightening reality of our situation is that it is already too late to begin searching for alternatives.

Doesn't that mean that the whole world will be destroyed?

Just so long as the United States of America is deeply involved in the Middle East; be that with troops on the ground, with ships in the sea, or simply diplomatically, the United States will continue full steam ahead with its demands for Israel to commit suicide.

Why is that? Does America want an extremist terrorist state instead of Israel, a military partner ?
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Offline nopeaceforland

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« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2007, 10:01:44 PM »
I've heard Huckabee speak more, thanks to all of the great JTF'ers! :) If he gets the nomination, he's got my vote!

Offline Jasmina

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« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2007, 10:19:20 PM »
I only recently began to follow Huckabee... and so far he seems to be better than the rest!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!